Job picked up another pottery shard and scraped more dead skin off his leg. His friend ended his suggestion as to why Job found himself in this condition. Job shook his head. “What good is your nonsense to me now. I know as much as you do. God is doing as He pleases. He doesn’t… Continue reading Who Are You?
Tag: questions
Look At This
Hezekiah paced in his palace. “How much longer are we going to be stuck inside these city walls?” A knock on the door caught his attention. The door opened slowly. Eliakim stood in the doorway. “Sir, there’s a message from Sennacherib.” The king stared at him. “Is it from the Rabshakeh again?” “No, he sent… Continue reading Look At This
This Year is Half Done Already
Six months of 2018 are behind us now. Has this year been all you hoped it would be so far? Not for me. Oh, there were signs things would be changing. A few hopeful sparks rose from the fire only to sputter out quickly. A partial inheritance helped for a couple of months. Now I’m… Continue reading This Year is Half Done Already
How To Choose
I have an assignment that I cared to accept. It’s deciding the winners of a scholarship given out by my church. One scholarship goes to a senior guy. Another goes to a senior gal. There were only four guys who filled out an application this year. Twice as many as last year. Ten young women… Continue reading How To Choose
What is Easter?
Easter is twelve men who studied under Jesus Passover was changed into something to remind us The betrayer left the meal while it was still night Eleven men would later leave before it was daylight Sleep overtook these men in the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus agonized for hours before He died for you and me… Continue reading What is Easter?
Until Shiloh Comes–a review
Wars are fought for different reasons. Some are power struggles. Others are for rescue or to make a change. Wars are fueled by one thing…hatred. The passion it takes to get a person to be willing to lay his or her life down is serious. Somebody, or something, must be stopped at all cost. The… Continue reading Until Shiloh Comes–a review
The Holidays are Hard
A writer’s life is fraught with challenges. Like properly using the word fraught in a sentence to lead off a blog post. If God chooses you to write for His glory don’t expect an easy life. If your life was cozy before your call it will be turned upside down after your call. The reason… Continue reading The Holidays are Hard
Be Careful What You Stand On
I thought about calling this post “Slippery Footing.” I think the title I chose fits better. I’ve had trouble standing lately. Not literally, just figuratively. About the time I think I know what to expect in my life the unexpected occurs. When the unexpected happens so many times a fella realizes it’s actually normal for… Continue reading Be Careful What You Stand On
Gentle Voice
Elijah opened his eyes. A hand was on his shoulder. “Get up and eat this.” He looked to his left. A small cake and some water sat on a rock. When he turned back to the man nobody was there. He sat up, ate the meal then laid back down. Another hand on his shoulder… Continue reading Gentle Voice
Clinically Depressed
Elijah pointed at the prophets of Baal. “Surround them. Don’t let any of them get away. Bring them to Kishon.” The crowd of citizens did what God’s man told them to do after seeing His fire fall from the sky and all it did. Somebody picked up one of the knives a prophet used to… Continue reading Clinically Depressed