The Holidays are Hard

A writer’s life is fraught with challenges. Like properly using the word fraught in a sentence to lead off a blog post.

If God chooses you to write for His glory don’t expect an easy life.

If your life was cozy before your call it will be turned upside down after your call.

The reason for this is because you need to experience many aspects of life in order to write about them.

Here are just a few examples from my own life.

While I was going through my divorce I realized I experienced rejection on par with what God feels when someone rejects His gift of salvation. He grieves over that.

The unexpected loss of a job will test your resolve and prove where your trust is. I leaned heavily on God at that time. Answers didn’t come, but my faith grew.

I observe things differently than I did before. While I’m helping care for toddlers on Sunday mornings I see how they respond and how we all react to life similarly.

The reason I bring this topic up now is that I find myself in a funk.

I’ve been through funks before, especially while living through those extremely long winters in Michigan growing up.

Some holiday seasons are more difficult than others.

This year’s season is proving a challenge so far and we’ve only gone through Thanksgiving.

Part of my challenge is a personal setback in the romance department.

By taking the chance of reaching out to a certain woman I seem to have totally blown it to the point that she unfriended me on Facebook and does her best to avoid contact with me even when we’re in the same room.

It’s not that we were very close before this, but these barricades are too reminiscent of my pre-divorce experience.

Oh how I wish life came with a ‘do over’ button.

I’ve used the phase “I’m by myself a lot, but I’m never alone.”

It refers to the fact that Jesus is always with me, even when nobody is around.

To be totally honest with y’all…I’m getting tired of using that line in my life.

Don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t trade my relationship with God through Jesus Christ for any woman on this earth.

It’s just that I really would like someone with skin on to share my life with.

Even God said it isn’t good for a man to be alone. So why am I still in His waiting room this time?

Going back to my writing life needing experiences to draw from I see something playing out here for me.

Being born the middle of seven children I never experienced being an orphan before now.

Both of my parents are dead. My wife left me. We never had children. All of my siblings live over 1,000 miles away.

I have some good friends but apparently no great friend I can turn to at the drop of a hat.

I never expected this, but it’s here.

There are folks at church I talk to. That’s been enough.

I have one friend I share a meal with occasionally. Those times are precious to me.

I work with another friend sometimes. This month I’ll be driving too steady for that to continue.

This has all led to my current funk and hopefully a divine writing prompt.

I’ve received story ideas, poems and song lyrics while driving.

I have good drive time this month to let my mind wonder and be open to the Spirit’s leading for any of the above to occur.

I’m reaching out asking for prayers to make this funk a fruitful experience for me.

Nothing better than a funky fruit to set a guy’s attitude right side up again.

I know all of this is going to work for good to make me more like Christ.

He knew personal betrayal, abandonment and rejection firsthand, too.

He even anguished over being separated from His Father for a time.

I guess He experienced a divine funk for me and you.

Jesus was the divine orphan for three days so we can be adopted into God’s family.

He overcame and conquered. He’ll help me do the same, especially with the prayer support of my spiritual siblings here.

Thank you in advance for lifting me up in prayer.

And thank you for letting me open my heart and bleed on my blog here.

It’s good therapy for a writer.

I’ll see you later.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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