Nehemiah approached the group of dusty men. “How are things in Jerusalem, brothers?” Hanani placed a hand on Nehemiah’s shoulder. “The folks are back from exile but they’re having a hard time. The walls of the old city are broken down. The gates are burned. It’s a mess.” Nehemiah’s eyes filled with tears as the… Continue reading Grant Me Favor
Tag: Holy Spirit
Kairos #59…WOW!
I just got home from the Kairos #59 weekend at Beto. I have one word to describe the experience…WOW! Every Kairos is different, at least that’s what I’ve been told. Now that I’ve been to two of them I can say they’re right. This one got a late start…four weeks late because of a lockdown… Continue reading Kairos #59…WOW!
The 2018 SCC Men’s Retreat is in the Books as Another Winner
I’ve been attending the Stonebriar Men’s Retreats since 2010. Every year is different yet the same. This year was no exception. I’m always glad when I can go with the set up team on Thursday for several reasons. The Christian fellowship is amazing and fun. The team changes over the years but the comradery is… Continue reading The 2018 SCC Men’s Retreat is in the Books as Another Winner
Personal Reflections About Our 20 Year Old Church
Stonebriar Community Church celebrated its 20th anniversary as a church on October 14, 2018. That afternoon I recorded some personal reflections about my time at this remarkable church filled in incredible folks. I hope you watch my eight and a half minute video and get inspired to be Jesus to the least of these in… Continue reading Personal Reflections About Our 20 Year Old Church
I’m a Visionary
Okay. I admit it. I’m stuck in my life. There. I said it. Now how do I change it? My life is becoming a bit routine in some ways. Ways I don’t like. As Eddie Rabbit used to sing I’m driving my life away. That’s not at all what I want to do with the… Continue reading I’m a Visionary
I Was Part of a Miracle This Week
When the senior pastor of your church is also the chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary certain unique opportunities become available to you. One thing that happens is many seminary professors teach adult fellowships at that church. I have the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Dr John Hannah, professor of church history at DTS.… Continue reading I Was Part of a Miracle This Week
What’s On Your Bucket List?
Let me begin by saying I firmly believe that it’s the role of the Holy Spirit to bring a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Only God’s Spirit can speak to someone’s spirit on the level of conviction required for life change. I also believe that, as Christ’s followers, it’s up to us… Continue reading What’s On Your Bucket List?
I’m a Recruiter for Kairos
Since I lived to tell about my first weekend in prison others think they want to join me. I guess that makes me a leader. I’ve led by example before but not to this extent. I hate seeing trash in the city park I run in. So, instead of looking at it I stop and… Continue reading I’m a Recruiter for Kairos
Well…I lived to tell about it
Wow! I’m so excited I’ll write that backwards. Wow! Last week was quite something else. I hoped to take Monday and Tuesday off to prepare for the Kairos weekend. God had other plans. The window company dispatcher called the Friday before saying he needed someone to take an overflow load to Kansas. It sounded like… Continue reading Well…I lived to tell about it
Forty Two Letters
How often do you receive a letter in the mail? No, I mean an old-fashioned paper and ink message that came from someone’s fingers directly. Not an email shot off a computer screen. Well, part of my assignment I accepted as a team member of Kairos #58 is the responsibility to hand write a letter… Continue reading Forty Two Letters