What’s On Your Bucket List?

Let me begin by saying I firmly believe that it’s the role of the Holy Spirit to bring a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Only God’s Spirit can speak to someone’s spirit on the level of conviction required for life change.

I also believe that, as Christ’s followers, it’s up to us to give the Holy Spirit something to work with. Too many folks end up in Hell because they never heard the name of Jesus Christ used as anything more than an expletive.

That’s what leads me to tell y’all what’s on my bucket list.

A lot of folks have a list of things they want to do before they kick the bucket. For some it’s seeing as many places around the world as they can, maybe step foot on all seven continents. Good luck with Antarctica.

Me, I want to accomplish as many Jesus dares as I possibly can.

What do you mean you never heard of a Jesus Dare before. The gospels are littered with them if you know how to read your Bible properly.

Like the time some women brought their children to Jesus just so He could touch them. His disciples tried shooing them all away.

Jesus stood up to them by saying, and I think this is one of the few times the King James Version says it best. “Suffer the little children to come unto me.”

In other words, if it pains you so much to see children come to me then y’all suffer. Bring those kiddos here right this minute. I’m pretty sure the original Greek uses the word kiddos here.

When I went through the membership meetings at Stonebriar Community Church about ten years ago it broke my heart when Pastor Les said they were turning families away because we didn’t have enough adult volunteers to watch the kids each week.

I sent up a silent prayer, ‘please bring more adults to watch the kids.’

I heard that familiar still, small voice say, “You qualify.”

To which I responded, “Don’t change the subject.”

Some time later I received an email from the church asking for help during the Easter, then Christmas, services to accommodate visiting families. I used this as my opportunity to try this kids ministry thingy out.

First they stuck me with kindergartners…then fourth graders…then some wise guy or gal thought they might could use me with the two year olds.

My first Sunday there something clicked. I’m now beginning my fourth summer reprising my role as the toddler whisperer. Talk about being Jesus to the least of these. This old fogy who never had any kids can release his inner grandpa now. The kids love it as much as I do.

Jesus gives a short list of dares in another section that begins with, “I was hungry and you fed me…”

Stonebriar has a great ministry to a hidden neighborhood call Hilltown. It’s an unincorporated area between cities that nobody seems to want. The residents speak mostly Spanish and live on dirt roads surrounded by tollways. We have a summer feeding program that brings lunches in there throughout the summer months and whenever school is out because most of these families rely on the free lunch programs to feed their kids.

I can’t help there as much as I’d like to, but I did help make sandwiches this past Sunday to kick off this year’s effort.

Jesus continued…”I was naked and you clothed me.”

Stonebriar has a ministry partner in south Dallas that has a shower and clothing complex to help the many homeless residents there. Once a month it’s our turn to hand out a “new” set of used clothes and allow them to take a private shower.

Again, I can’t go down there as much as I want to, but I did go down the Saturday before Thanksgiving Day. When I saw the needs firsthand my heart broke.

If seeing a need firsthand doesn’t make you want to take action you need to check your pulse…your spiritual pulse at least.

We went back down there on Thanksgiving Day. When I left my apartment my closet space was a lot larger. I turned my out and about jeans into work jeans so I could donate my work jeans…especially since they’re the most popular size for those men.

Many of my hooded sweatshirts became homeless hoodies. I used to rotate them in as my work shirts during the winter months when I lived up north. They mostly collected dust in my drawer.

Jesus ended His list with the most challenging dare…”I was in prison and you visited me.”

“I have a nephew locked up back in Michigan. If I agree to write to him does that count?”

I’m not saying writing to prisoners isn’t a great opportunity for many people. For most folks it’s what God wants them to do. But when Brian Pennington came in and explained how Kairos Prison Ministry operates I felt this nail-pierced hand point at me and a not so still, not so small voice say, “I double-dog dare you, dude.”

If your best friend doesn’t talk to you that way you’re missing out. If Jesus Christ isn’t your best friend you’re really missing out.

There’s nothing like a good old fashioned double-dog dare to kick a red neck into action.

I’m so glad I took Jesus up on that dare. Having a first-hand look at the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in peoples’ lives is quite an experience.

There was a lot of time involved in the training and travel but it was a small sacrifice knowing there are convicted felons on their way to heaven because of the effort we put into showing God’s love to them.

During the training sessions there was a banner hanging over the leader’s head that read, “Listen, Listen, Love, Love.”

I thought, ‘that’s what I do with the toddlers. This isn’t that much different after all.’

We gave the Spirit something to work with and boy howdy did He ever come through!

So, how about you? What are y’all doing to give the Holy Spirit something to work with in showing God’s love to the least in today’s world?

Feel free to adjust your bucket list to accommodate some Jesus dares.

I dare you.

I’ll see you later.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.


  1. Wade … what a great post! You always make me think (I think I’ve told you this before, so please bear with me :-), and I appreciate the way you get right to the heart of things. You certainly do have a heart for the least among us, and you inspire me.


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