Well, here we stand at the end of another decade. It was an excruciating one for me personally. My wife moved away on August 9, 2012. That’s the date I count as our divorce day even though the courts say it occurred sometime around September 2015 or so. My mom died February 27, 2015. I… Continue reading 2019 in My Rearview Mirror
Category: Writing
No Computer
Modern technology has made life far from simple these days in my humble opinion. Most days I wish I could go back to not needing a computer. Last week I was forced into that mode. It began as a basic updating of my security account. The initial transaction was accomplished without a hitch. The problem… Continue reading No Computer
I’m Going Home
September was a unique month for me. I was able to go back to where I grew up. I connected with some of the kids I went to school with at a reunion. I spent quality time with each of my siblings. I even spent time with my dad’s last remaining sister. To say nostalgia… Continue reading I’m Going Home
September Turning Point?
Well, here we are. The ninth month of 2019 is upon us. Currently most of my life is the same as it was in January. But… A few things are knocking…let’s call them opportunities. The business front looks the most promising now. I have a meeting trying to take place this week that will have… Continue reading September Turning Point?
Singer Songwriter?
I have an amazing opportunity ahead of me this week that I need a lot of prayer for. This will be a huge jump in my comfort zone. It could also catapult my life and career like nothing else. Or it will flop and never get off the ground. Kairos at Beto 60 is a… Continue reading Singer Songwriter?
A Day of Closing Doors
They say a writer has to develop tough skin to make it as an author. I feel like a rock right about now. In a matter of a few hours I just had a couple of doors close that I had high hopes for when I left for church on Sunday morning. Door number one… Continue reading A Day of Closing Doors
I have the Best BFF’s
Social media…the term wasn’t even invented when I was a kid. What am I saying? I don’t think it was around when my hair began to turn gray. I wish I could go back to a life before email and computer stuff in general. Part of my rational for that sentiment is because computers are… Continue reading I have the Best BFF’s
Eek is One Step Closer
When my pre-writer’s creative mind came up with the idea for a mouse that thinks his name is Eek because that’s what people say when they see him I didn’t know I would be the one writing his story. It’s been quite a journey for me. This adventure began it’s next leg about ten years… Continue reading Eek is One Step Closer
A Mid-month Newsletter-ish Post
For the record I just completed two consecutive uneventful weeks. No, boredom hasn’t set in yet. I think it may occur about August 15th after the way the first month and a half were to me. Driving is taking most of my time these days. I have two companies fighting over who I’ll be driving… Continue reading A Mid-month Newsletter-ish Post
I Saw Jesus Today
After my encounter with a homeless man in January, which you can read about here, I began to think about ways Jesus shows up in everyday life. By keeping Matthew 25:31-46 in mind I came up with four scenarios. Writing stories comes in many forms. Full length books are the most common way people think… Continue reading I Saw Jesus Today