September Turning Point?

Well, here we are. The ninth month of 2019 is upon us. Currently most of my life is the same as it was in January. But…

A few things are knocking…let’s call them opportunities.

The business front looks the most promising now. I have a meeting trying to take place this week that will have a new mobile app made for someone. This has been in the works for a few months now.

Yeah, I’m still twiddling my thumbs in God’s waiting room.

Along with that a friend from the prison ministry who owns a business is thinking about having my business run some ads for them.

These two things will be huge for my future by themselves.

The family farm finally sold. I’m waiting for part of my share of the inheritance…the check’s in the mail…at least that’s what I’ve been told.

With that money I can travel and vacation a bit this month.

A trip north will probably begin on the 12th.

Depending on the timing I hope to be able to see my illustrious illustrator and her husband. They’ve been through some extremely trying times lately. Their future is looking brighter as well.

Family in Michigan will be next on the agenda. If they all come together at once it will be a huge gathering. It will likely be smaller visits this time.

A 40 year high school reunion is scheduled for the 14th. I hope to be able to speak to the group at some point. Pray for me to have an opportunity to share the gospel with them.

More family visits with some business necessities will fill some of the next two weeks until the Maranatha Christian Writers’ Conference takes place the last weekend of September.

I hope to have time to write a new story before the conference. It will be a mix of the parable of the prodigal son meets A Star is Born.

There will be opportunities for some old and new connections to be made at Maranatha. Pray for God’s will to be done for my writing journey. I hope to follow Billy Graham’s example and become famous by making Jesus more famous.

Some folks in Uganda will be helped with some of my inheritance, too. Yeah, my life isn’t the only one on hold that will be changed.

I have a self-publisher interested in reprinting 100 Prayers of a Writer. Their rates are affordable with the influx of cash. It could be out before Christmas if I pay for it soon.

With everything else changing this month I wouldn’t be surprised that my love life gets a shot in the arm as well. I have some insights about what might be going on with a certain someone that have me ready to approach her.

I don’t know why but she makes me feel like the class geek trying to ask the homecoming queen out. She’s not doing it on purpose. It’s all me this time.

Pray I overcome my self doubt and take a chance soon. I’m getting tired of being by myself.

If September is the turning point I’ve been waiting on then it will definitely be better sharing my future with someone by my side.

Pray for Clifford, the big red van, to make the 2,000+ mile trip without incident. He’s 19 years old. That’s about 132 in human years.

At 237,000 miles he’s running pretty well currently…except for a transmission that isn’t sure when to shift into overdrive. It works alright in warm weather so it should be okay.

One of my bucket list items was to have a vehicle over 200,000 miles. Another one is to have one twenty years old. Clifford will be a two for one deal in a few short months.

Pray for God’s timing on everything. Even if it means I have to sit in His waiting room longer. I don’t want to run ahead of Him.

Pray I have the fortitude to get things done if this is the turning point of my life. I don’t want to keep waiting if He says to move.

I’ll see you later. Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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