Have you ever donated blood? I have several times. It’s becoming rather routine for me. Well, I was scheduled to go back on Sunday. The appointment was made when I was in for my last donation. Usually I’m given an extra week for my donation as a rule. I guess someone doesn’t know that unwritten… Continue reading Some Good Deeds Don’t Turn Out So Good
Tag: words
What’s On Your Bucket List?
Let me begin by saying I firmly believe that it’s the role of the Holy Spirit to bring a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Only God’s Spirit can speak to someone’s spirit on the level of conviction required for life change. I also believe that, as Christ’s followers, it’s up to us… Continue reading What’s On Your Bucket List?
Forty Two Letters
How often do you receive a letter in the mail? No, I mean an old-fashioned paper and ink message that came from someone’s fingers directly. Not an email shot off a computer screen. Well, part of my assignment I accepted as a team member of Kairos #58 is the responsibility to hand write a letter… Continue reading Forty Two Letters
A May 1st-ish Newsletter
Here’s the latest goings on in the life of Wade Webster, future best selling author extraordinaire. Last Sunday a friend from church asked how different things were going in my life. At that time things were their usual stuck in a rut going nowhere. If I could have talked to him this Sunday I would… Continue reading A May 1st-ish Newsletter
Be Careful What You Stand On
I thought about calling this post “Slippery Footing.” I think the title I chose fits better. I’ve had trouble standing lately. Not literally, just figuratively. About the time I think I know what to expect in my life the unexpected occurs. When the unexpected happens so many times a fella realizes it’s actually normal for… Continue reading Be Careful What You Stand On
A Dr. Seuss-ish Post
I have some opening lines in my head. They seem a bit like something Dr. Seuss would write so this could get interesting. I guess I’m letting y’all into a writer’s brain for a change…this writer’s brain anyway. Here goes… What if a dog and a frog sat on a log? Would there still be… Continue reading A Dr. Seuss-ish Post
Solomon climbed on the bronze platform in front of the new temple, the crowning achievement of his young kingdom. The crowd before his was vast. He fell to his knees. The bronze sang a solemn note. Solomon’s hands raised toward heaven. “LORD God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven or on… Continue reading IF…THEN
A Legend Went Home Last Month
Ray was introduced to me by Jim. Jim was recently widowed. I knew him and his deceased wife from the adult fellowship I attend. He’s in his seventies. Ray met Jim in another adult fellowship Jim had moved to try to move on from his loss. Ray was a diminutive gentle man in his nineties.… Continue reading A Legend Went Home Last Month
Nathan paused when he approached the throneroom door. “LORD, give me the strength to do Your work here.” He pulled the door open and walked up to King David. David smiled and cocked his head to the left. “Nathan, I didn’t expect you today. To what do I owe this pleasure?” “There were two men.… Continue reading IT’S YOU SIR
I just prayed for 150 men…one book at a time
I first met Marcia on a Sunday morning. She approached me before our adult fellowship time and introduced herself. She said she noticed me a week or two before that sitting by myself. She said I looked defeated. This was a few years ago…after my wife left me and before I lost my secure job… Continue reading I just prayed for 150 men…one book at a time