God’s waiting room is quite crowded. At least that’s my observation. Prayers await an answer…at least we hope the answer isn’t no. Cold hearts are still ice cubes. Health concerns are still bleak. Finances are still too tight. Hunger and poverty still occupy too much of the earth. It feels like our prayers have bounced… Continue reading Waiters Serve
Tag: salvation
What’s On Your Bucket List?
Let me begin by saying I firmly believe that it’s the role of the Holy Spirit to bring a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Only God’s Spirit can speak to someone’s spirit on the level of conviction required for life change. I also believe that, as Christ’s followers, it’s up to us… Continue reading What’s On Your Bucket List?
Well…I lived to tell about it
Wow! I’m so excited I’ll write that backwards. Wow! Last week was quite something else. I hoped to take Monday and Tuesday off to prepare for the Kairos weekend. God had other plans. The window company dispatcher called the Friday before saying he needed someone to take an overflow load to Kansas. It sounded like… Continue reading Well…I lived to tell about it
Forty Two Letters
How often do you receive a letter in the mail? No, I mean an old-fashioned paper and ink message that came from someone’s fingers directly. Not an email shot off a computer screen. Well, part of my assignment I accepted as a team member of Kairos #58 is the responsibility to hand write a letter… Continue reading Forty Two Letters
I’m Going to Prison…YIKES!
As a Christian you do your best to stay out of trouble. But you also want to do all you can to please God. Sometimes doing the right thing can land you in jail for the right reasons. I guess this all started over a year ago when Marcia said she might want to buy… Continue reading I’m Going to Prison…YIKES!
An Earnest Plea
Isaiah paused before he pushed the palace door open and looked up. “Why, LORD? He’s such a good king.” He walked in and was led to the king’s bedroom. Hezekiah’s face was pale. Sweat drenched his hair as he shivered. Isaiah swallowed. “Set your affairs in order. The LORD declares that you shall die from… Continue reading An Earnest Plea
Called to Fail
Where am I? Who is that sitting on a throne? His robe is incredible. It’s filling every part of the floor. Those beings over the throne…who are they? Why do they have wings…six wings on each one? They’re using two to fly with, but why are they covering their face and feet? The seraphim spoke… Continue reading Called to Fail
Lessons from the Toddler Whisperer
Another summer with the toddlers has closed for the Toddler Whisperer. Since I never had children of my own I get my grandfather fix during the summer months. More firsts were encountered. More lessons learned by this old man. God directly answered one of my emails at the very beginning of the summer. When I… Continue reading Lessons from the Toddler Whisperer
Nathan watched David pace. “What are you thinking about?” David stopped. Looked at the prophet, then his walls. “Is it right for me to live in such an extraordinary cedar palace while the ark of God dwells in a tent?” Nathan shook his head. “You are clearly in God’s will with whatever you do. How… Continue reading YOUR HOUSE NOT MINE
Is Monday the 13th Really Unlucky?
Happy unlucky Monday the thirteenth Y’all. I have no clue how Friday the 13th stole all the thunder from Monday the 13th, but that’s what we have to live with in this fallen world I suppose. What makes this Monday the 13th unlucky to the uber degree is the fact that it’s the second month… Continue reading Is Monday the 13th Really Unlucky?