2019 in My Rearview Mirror

Well, here we stand at the end of another decade. It was an excruciating one for me personally. My wife moved away on August 9, 2012. That’s the date I count as our divorce day even though the courts say it occurred sometime around September 2015 or so. My mom died February 27, 2015. I… Continue reading 2019 in My Rearview Mirror

Some Good Deeds Don’t Turn Out So Good

Have you ever donated blood? I have several times. It’s becoming rather routine for me. Well, I was scheduled to go back on Sunday. The appointment was made when I was in for my last donation. Usually I’m given an extra week for my donation as a rule. I guess someone doesn’t know that unwritten… Continue reading Some Good Deeds Don’t Turn Out So Good

And the Beat Goes On

The summer heat definitely hit Texas and surrounding states this past week…especially inside of a semi trailer while wrestling windows. The regular driver who took vacation time for two weeks couldn’t have chosen a better period, period. On Monday I had two stops in Dallas where I was in the trailer for well over an… Continue reading And the Beat Goes On

This Year is Half Done Already

Six months of 2018 are behind us now. Has this year been all you hoped it would be so far? Not for me. Oh, there were signs things would be changing. A few hopeful sparks rose from the fire only to sputter out quickly. A partial inheritance helped for a couple of months. Now I’m… Continue reading This Year is Half Done Already

I Was Part of a Miracle This Week

When the senior pastor of your church is also the chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary certain unique opportunities become available to you. One thing that happens is many seminary professors teach adult fellowships at that church. I have the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Dr John Hannah, professor of church history at DTS.… Continue reading I Was Part of a Miracle This Week

What’s On Your Bucket List?

Let me begin by saying I firmly believe that it’s the role of the Holy Spirit to bring a person to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Only God’s Spirit can speak to someone’s spirit on the level of conviction required for life change. I also believe that, as Christ’s followers, it’s up to us… Continue reading What’s On Your Bucket List?