Every Christian has at least one of these. Many have several of them. Jesus told His disciples to go out and make more disciples. Where did He send them? Into their mission field. Our adult fellowship held communion last Sunday. It was a memorable time as always. At the end a few minutes were spent… Continue reading Mission Fields
Tag: kingdom
The Chosen Beard
Okay, I grew my beard out again this winter. I wasn’t planning on it but God called me to do it for a specific reason…to help build His kingdom. Yeah, it’s a bit complicated, but what else is new in my life. It’s all complicated when you walk closely with God with Jesus Christ as… Continue reading The Chosen Beard
Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited
For those of you who’ve noticed I haven’t posted a new blog post for a couple of weeks, thank you for your prayers. I’ve been one super-hyper busy fella lately. Between driving and painting I hardly have time to breathe most days. I decided to resurrect a Thanksgiving poem for your enjoyment. I wrote this… Continue reading Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited
It’s Time for Time Travel
Did you miss it this time around? Were you so early for church you thought it must be a weekday? Yeah, that pesky time change has a way of sneaking up on us all. If you failed to set your clocks back an hour you found yourself an hour ahead of everyone else for a… Continue reading It’s Time for Time Travel
Personal Reflections About Our 20 Year Old Church
Stonebriar Community Church celebrated its 20th anniversary as a church on October 14, 2018. That afternoon I recorded some personal reflections about my time at this remarkable church filled in incredible folks. I hope you watch my eight and a half minute video and get inspired to be Jesus to the least of these in… Continue reading Personal Reflections About Our 20 Year Old Church
Some Good Deeds Don’t Turn Out So Good
Have you ever donated blood? I have several times. It’s becoming rather routine for me. Well, I was scheduled to go back on Sunday. The appointment was made when I was in for my last donation. Usually I’m given an extra week for my donation as a rule. I guess someone doesn’t know that unwritten… Continue reading Some Good Deeds Don’t Turn Out So Good
I Was In Some Zones This Week
Oh Yeah, I had another crazy week. I’m convinced that if I ever live a “normal” week I’ll think that’s unusual. Let me begin with an overview of the last seven days. I left for work Monday afternoon around 2:00 pm and didn’t see my humble abode until almost 7:00 pm Friday. I expected to… Continue reading I Was In Some Zones This Week
I have the Best BFF’s
Social media…the term wasn’t even invented when I was a kid. What am I saying? I don’t think it was around when my hair began to turn gray. I wish I could go back to a life before email and computer stuff in general. Part of my rational for that sentiment is because computers are… Continue reading I have the Best BFF’s
I’m a Recruiter for Kairos
Since I lived to tell about my first weekend in prison others think they want to join me. I guess that makes me a leader. I’ve led by example before but not to this extent. I hate seeing trash in the city park I run in. So, instead of looking at it I stop and… Continue reading I’m a Recruiter for Kairos
I’m Going Dark This Week
I love so many of today’s modern conveniences. Cruise control on vehicles is a great way to rest while driving. Cameras on a phone that fits in my pocket are fabulous. There were so many times in my life I wish I had a camera so I could capture a moment but couldn’t. Now I… Continue reading I’m Going Dark This Week