Stonebriar Community Church celebrated its 20th anniversary as a church on October 14, 2018. That afternoon I recorded some personal reflections about my time at this remarkable church filled in incredible folks. I hope you watch my eight and a half minute video and get inspired to be Jesus to the least of these in… Continue reading Personal Reflections About Our 20 Year Old Church
Tag: heart
Down But Not Out…Yet
A warning before you decide to open this blog post. I’m sleep deprived and beat down. So if you’re looking for feel good and funny you probably better move on. I’m in the mood for real today. How many times have you endured more month than money? Well, I’m there now. September 2018 is going… Continue reading Down But Not Out…Yet
Do You Know What Manna Tastes Like?
God has me on a manna diet. He has for several years now. I seem to have just enough to get by on but not much more. I’m a truck driver so I drive trucks for my main source of income. I’m signed up with a temporary agency so I can walk away from this… Continue reading Do You Know What Manna Tastes Like?
Who Are You?
Job picked up another pottery shard and scraped more dead skin off his leg. His friend ended his suggestion as to why Job found himself in this condition. Job shook his head. “What good is your nonsense to me now. I know as much as you do. God is doing as He pleases. He doesn’t… Continue reading Who Are You?
Little Hugs From Jesus
My summer of toddlers 2018 is almost over. I think there’s one more week officially before the kiddos graduate to the next class…or down the hallway at least. There’s a part of me that wants to keep coming back every week for the rest of my life, but I know I need adult interaction more… Continue reading Little Hugs From Jesus
Sometimes Clarity is Better Than Progress
There are three basic answers to prayer…so they say…Yes, no and wait. Since God isn’t One to be hemmed in by our parameters He likes to sneak in an exception once in a while. I think I received one this week…not this one. I suppose that could be interpreted as a no, but not really.… Continue reading Sometimes Clarity is Better Than Progress
Look At This
Hezekiah paced in his palace. “How much longer are we going to be stuck inside these city walls?” A knock on the door caught his attention. The door opened slowly. Eliakim stood in the doorway. “Sir, there’s a message from Sennacherib.” The king stared at him. “Is it from the Rabshakeh again?” “No, he sent… Continue reading Look At This
I’m a Wanted Man
Some days there just isn’t enough of me to go around. Being rather small in stature that shouldn’t surprise those who know me well. Last week was one of those times everybody wanted a piece of me…or all of me if they could. The Apainter Paul won a bid to paint the interior of a… Continue reading I’m a Wanted Man
Lessons from the Toddler Whisperer
Another summer with the toddlers has closed for the Toddler Whisperer. Since I never had children of my own I get my grandfather fix during the summer months. More firsts were encountered. More lessons learned by this old man. God directly answered one of my emails at the very beginning of the summer. When I… Continue reading Lessons from the Toddler Whisperer
Solomon led the delegation to Gibeon after his speech and feast. He paused when they crested the hill. The tabernacle Moses built always made him pause. They spent the entire day offering burnt offerings to God. Most were commissioned by the king. Others he did himself. The total offerings by days end was one thousand.… Continue reading ONE WISH FROM GOD