Solomon led the delegation to Gibeon after his speech and feast. He paused when they crested the hill. The tabernacle Moses built always made him pause.

They spent the entire day offering burnt offerings to God. Most were commissioned by the king. Others he did himself. The total offerings by days end was one thousand.

A tent was erected for the king. The trip back to Jerusalem would wait until after a good night’s sleep.

As Solomon slept God appeared to him. “Ask. What shall I give you?”

“You were so gracious to my father. David now has a son sitting on his throne. But, your servant is only a boy. How can I effectively lead this great nation for You? They are more numerous than the sand on the seashore. I don’t know the best way to lead. Give me, please, a wise and discerning heart so I can judge rightly.”

God smiled. “You could have asked for great wealth, the death of your enemies, or long life. Instead you requested a wise heart. I will grant you the wisdom you seek. Nobody will be as wise as you either from before your time or after. I shall also give you immense wealth such as has never been seen and peace from your enemies. If you keep My commandments as your father David did I will also grant you long life.”

Solomon’s eyes popped open. He looked around. After a few seconds he remembered where he was and why he was there.

The dream was so real, but was is true?

King Solomon returned to Jerusalem. He made peace offerings and burnt offerings near the ark of the covenant. Another feast was made for the people.


Dreams are interesting places to be. Your mind can imagine so much when your senses aren’t involved.

Solomon had just been established as the king of all Israel, God’s chosen people.

David’s military might gave them peace from all their enemies. Wealth was pouring in from surrounding nations to keep the peace intact.

Solomon was about nineteen years old, still a teenager, when the responsibilities of ruling fell upon his shoulders.

Parties were an easy thing to do for a young king.

The other responsibilities were another animal all together.

David taught his son the importance of worshiping God.

Sacrifices were an easy way to appease the deity.

Did he expect God to talk directly to him?

Being asleep the young man didn’t have time to think. His most immense desire would be utmost on his heart and mind when God asked him the ultimate question.

How would you reply?

How do you think you would answer God if He asked you for one wish?

Look past the immediate in your life currently. If you did that a year ago it would have been totally different. A year from now it will change again.

One way to approach this subject is to ask you, “what do you most want to be remembered for?”

Solomon was known as a wise man, but he was still stupid in many ways. A truly wise person loves the Lord God with all his soul, strength, mind and heart his entire life. He blew it big time.

You have one choice to make. What do you most want in this life?

Check your motives before you answer.

If it’s fame you want you’re barking up the wrong tree. Fame is fleeting.

If you desire wealth you can lose it in a moment. Money burns quickly.

Family is important, but individuals make bad choices. Love hurts.

What does you heart truly long for deep down?

My answer will probably be different than yours. That’s why God creates individuals. I’ve had time to think about my response before writing this post.

Life has been super crazy busy lately with work. Truck driving comes with a lot of challenges, especially when you drive for a temporary agency. You have to take assignments driving during times you’re normally sleeping. I can’t do much while driving, but thinking is something I can do on the open stretches of roads.

Personal relationships have been a challenge for me lately. Then I realized those have changed, so that can’t be it.

A steady source of income would be extremely good, too. I’m working toward that end, but there’s still more to life than that.

More free time to help at church more is a goal of mine. It goes deeper than that, too.

I thought back to almost exactly nine years ago as I write this. I was listening to a sermon on the radio. A point in the middle of the sermon struck me between the eyes.

“Nothing sets God off in a spirit of celebration as when a lost person comes to faith in Christ.”

I was at home. Barb was asleep. I turned off the radio and let the tears flow down my cheeks. My prayer was simple.

“Break me. Break me. Use me.”

I repeated that several times before I finished my request with another statement.

“I want to give You a reputation for being a party animal.”

When I decided to attend Grace Bible College back in the early 80’s I thought I’d discover God’s calling for my life while I was there.

I didn’t.

But my desire to serve Him has always been my main desire.

I didn’t know how, or if, God would answer my prayer that night. A few weeks later I was writing my first book.

I had never taken a writing course in college or high school.

Now I’m writing songs.

I can’t play any instruments.

When God decides to use a person He doesn’t need experience. He needs willingness.

You may know what talents God has given you. Are you using them for His glory?

Don’t think you can’t do anything for God. He’ll bless the smallest gesture done in His name.

Remove your mask. Drop your guard.

What can God do for you?

I’ll see you later.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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