Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

For those of you who’ve noticed I haven’t posted a new blog post for a couple of weeks, thank you for your prayers. I’ve been one super-hyper busy fella lately. Between driving and painting I hardly have time to breathe most days. I decided to resurrect a Thanksgiving poem for your enjoyment. I wrote this… Continue reading Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

I Was Part of a Miracle This Week

When the senior pastor of your church is also the chancellor of Dallas Theological Seminary certain unique opportunities become available to you. One thing that happens is many seminary professors teach adult fellowships at that church. I have the privilege of sitting under the teaching of Dr John Hannah, professor of church history at DTS.… Continue reading I Was Part of a Miracle This Week

Until Shiloh Comes–a review

Wars are fought for different reasons. Some are power struggles. Others are for rescue or to make a change. Wars are fueled by one thing…hatred. The passion it takes to get a person to be willing to lay his or her life down is serious. Somebody, or something, must be stopped at all cost. The… Continue reading Until Shiloh Comes–a review

An Earnest Plea

Isaiah paused before he pushed the palace door open and looked up. “Why, LORD? He’s such a good king.” He walked in and was led to the king’s bedroom. Hezekiah’s face was pale. Sweat drenched his hair as he shivered. Isaiah swallowed. “Set your affairs in order. The LORD declares that you shall die from… Continue reading An Earnest Plea

Called to Fail

Where am I? Who is that sitting on a throne? His robe is incredible. It’s filling every part of the floor. Those beings over the throne…who are they? Why do they have wings…six wings on each one? They’re using two to fly with, but why are they covering their face and feet? The seraphim spoke… Continue reading Called to Fail

The Fruit of the Spirit Prayer

Today I’m sharing with you the compilation prayer that ends the chapter of the Fruit of the Spirit from my book 100 Prayers of a Writer. I’m very pleased how well this prayer came together. I find myself needing its message frequently. Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,… Continue reading The Fruit of the Spirit Prayer

Stress is Spelled M-Y L-I-F-E

Thursday I drove from Ft Worth to Amarillo. I’ve done it several times and lived to tell about it. So, what made it so different this time? It was 86 degrees when I left Thursday afternoon. On Friday morning it was 38 degrees. Being a native Michigander I knew enough to check the forecast before… Continue reading Stress is Spelled M-Y L-I-F-E