Justice is Served

A few posts ago I told y’all about a minor traffic accident I was involved in in a small city in southwest Texas. I promised to keep you updated about what happened with that incident.

Well, things is happinen’ all right.

Remember that little paragraph on the printout ticket I received that said I could take a safety course to get this removed from my driving record.

I heard back from the prosecuting attorney down yonder. She said that because I have a CDL license that doesn’t apply to me.

In other words, because I’m a professional driver I’m held to a higher standard than regular folks out on the roads.

I guess I should have expected this. It’s not the only place in my life I’m held to a higher standard than “normal” folks. According to James 3:1 anyone who teaches is going to be judged more strictly than others when we stand before God someday.

I know what some of you are thinking right about now.”But, you don’t teach. You drive a truck for a living. Right?”

Truck driving is simply the main source of my income currently. I also write. Anyone who writes is teaching through their writing. Therefore I do teach and will be held to a higher standard.

That may not sound fair to you but it’s the way it is. I’m okay with this set up, not that I can’t get out of my ticket like others can, that part stinks. I’m willing to have God hold me accountable for what I teach others about Him and His kingdom.

There needs to be such accountability to keep everyone honest and to keep the message correct. Anything short of the proper doctrine is blasphemy.

Okay, enough of my sermon. I didn’t receive grace at the scene of the accident when I got the ticket. I missed out on mercy when I discovered I can’t get out of it like some drivers can. Justice was served when I learned I have to pay the fine and have these points on my driving record for the next three years.

The worst part about that last point is that any company I drive for will have those points on their drivers record, too.

Yeah, companies these days have a cumulative score of all of their drivers. A low score is good. A high score holds their trucks at a better chance of being pulled over for an inspection.

I don’t like it either, but that’s just the way it is.

When I returned home from a long work week I discovered another new level has been added to this incident.

I had to drive from El Paso to Ft Worth on a Friday. That’s a lot of miles and a late day. I didn’t walk into my apartment until after one o’clock Saturday morning. Yeah, I was beyond tired.

I picked up my mail before I went to bed. Three envelopes stuck out as unusual and unexpected.

You know all those commercials about lawyers fighting trucking companies for injuries from folks getting hit by eighteen wheelers? I see their billboards all over the place.

Well, this low speed fender bender is being drug into court to see if these lawyers can help this driver win the 18-wheeler lottery.

We’re no longer talking about grace, mercy or justice here. We’ve now jumped into the swamp of greed.

To keep myself from writing anything that may get me in trouble all I’m going to say at this time is please pray for me and this situation.

I drive myself crazy most of the time as it is. I really don’t need others driving me closer to the cliff on insanity at this point in my life.

I’ll see you later. Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.


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