Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

For those of you who’ve noticed I haven’t posted a new blog post for a couple of weeks, thank you for your prayers. I’ve been one super-hyper busy fella lately. Between driving and painting I hardly have time to breathe most days. I decided to resurrect a Thanksgiving poem for your enjoyment. I wrote this… Continue reading Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

My Events are Getting More Serious

It’s Sunday night as I write this blog post. I just got home from a two day run that started late Thursday night. Oh, yeah…another event happened to me. This is the second time this year I’ve been stranded in a motel room for over a day because of an event. An uneventful week would… Continue reading My Events are Getting More Serious

The Holidays are Hard

A writer’s life is fraught with challenges. Like properly using the word fraught in a sentence to lead off a blog post. If God chooses you to write for His glory don’t expect an easy life. If your life was cozy before your call it will be turned upside down after your call. The reason… Continue reading The Holidays are Hard

December 1, 2017 Newsletter/blog post

Hey y’all. Yeah, it’s that time of crazy time of year for me, too…even though there’s just one of me. I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping up with my regular blog schedule. It’s kinda hard to think of something to write when you don’t have time to even think, let alone think of anything to… Continue reading December 1, 2017 Newsletter/blog post

The 2017 Stonebriar Men’s Retreat Report

I just got back from another relaxing weekend on the banks of Lake Palestine near Flint, Texas. This country bumpkin always needs this time in the country to recharge my batteries. Unfortunately I had to work Thursday so I couldn’t go out with the advance team for the retreat. Les Fleetwood is a Canadian so… Continue reading The 2017 Stonebriar Men’s Retreat Report

A Long-awaited Newsletter from Me

Hey Y’all Since it’s been awhile that I’ve written an official newsletter and I can’t think of anything else to write now and it’s almost the end of May here’s a newsletter from Author Wade Webster. I still don’t have a publisher for my books. I’m still driving my life away. I’m still paying my… Continue reading A Long-awaited Newsletter from Me

Normal for me is spelled Frustrating Chaos

For anybody who missed me, or this blog post anywho, this past Monday I have an extremely good reason for being AWOL. My computer/internet router/modem gave up the ghost at an extremely awkward moment. Let’s back up to last Thursday evening. I received an email from The Upper Room devotional folks about one of the… Continue reading Normal for me is spelled Frustrating Chaos