I’m ba-ack!

Well, this website has been down for quite a while now. Mostly because I’m an essential truck driver who is married to his job. I apologize to anyone who tried to find me here. Any interstate highway in or near Texas would have been your better option. I had an old theme here that was… Continue reading I’m ba-ack!

Is It September Yet?

I know it’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post. I probably don’t have time to write one today but feel like I must for a few reasons. Writing is good therapy for me. Any one who knows me at all well will tell you that I need good therapy. I do… Continue reading Is It September Yet?

Why Uganda?

Facebook is an incredible invention. I can be in touch with people from anywhere in the world…and I have been. Folks in poorer countries know this, too. That’s why they reach out to people in richer countries like the United States. My heart breaks for these people born in areas where poverty is rampant. I… Continue reading Why Uganda?

Newer Than New

Last Tuesday my brother turned 60. I got a present. I need you to focus here. I didn’t say I got him a present. I simply said I got a present. I really need you to keep up now. Last spring the company I drive for told us we’d be getting new tractors in August.… Continue reading Newer Than New

The Calm Before

I’m here to tell y’all that spiritual warfare is real. I feel it before every Kairos Prison Ministry weekend I’ve been on so far. Well, in another week and a half, May 15-19, 2019, we go back to the George Beto Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice bringing Jesus’ transforming message to the… Continue reading The Calm Before

58 Orbits

I got older last week. I guess we all aged the same seven days, but mine had a bump Thursday that hits everyone once a year. I completed my fifty-eighth orbit around the sun. For those of you who are mathematically challenged that means I turned 58 last week. I hate to admit this but,… Continue reading 58 Orbits