Why Uganda?

Facebook is an incredible invention. I can be in touch with people from anywhere in the world…and I have been.

Folks in poorer countries know this, too. That’s why they reach out to people in richer countries like the United States.

My heart breaks for these people born in areas where poverty is rampant. I grew up poor but not as poor as these people. Being raised on a farm we always had food available.

Porridge was only a part of my vocabulary because of nursery rhymes. I now know porridge is a mixture of corn flour and water. And it’s all some children survive on many days of their young lives.

Malaria is carried by mosquitoes and is too common near the equator. A malnourished child can die from a simple bug bite because of poverty.

God has not blessed me with financial wealth at this point in my life. Because of this fact I have to say no to too many people searching for help.

An evangelist in Pakistan contacted me via some video link. That was the most aggressive approach I’ve had to deal with.

Most will private message me and tell of their situation.

I’ve become great friends with Ruth. She’s in her 20s and has grand aspirations on changing things in Uganda someday. She’s now in Germany getting a nursing certification. She comes to me with questions and concerns occasionally.

Mweswigwa runs an orphanage just north of Kampala, Uganda.

Mikenga’s orphanage is east of Kampala in Jinja, Uganda.

John Paul runs a Christian school that needs an orphanage. They’ve begun a sewing program for some of the women in Fort Portal, Uganda.

When I see this connection to a small country in east Africa I ask God one question.

Why Uganda?

A ruthless dictator was killing as many Christians as he could while I was attending school. Government corruption led to vast poverty throughout the country.

HIV/AIDS spread like wildfire adding to their pathetic situation.

A generation after Amin’s cruelty and atrocities finds them still trying to get back on their feet.

Poverty is still rampant. Porridge is a staple food. Hope is in short supply.

Where is God in all of this?

God is reaching out. He’s searching for help among His children.

Are you listening? Do you see it? Have you closed your eyes while you build your retirement nest egg?

A truck driver in Texas has heard their cries for help. But what can one man do?

He can give hope to one at a time.

$100 meant forgotten orphans had a special Christmas a few years ago.

A young woman became encouraged about a decision that guided her life in a new direction.

A school that was about to close for lack of funds is now building new buildings on their own land because some inheritance money was sent to a small impoverished land.

More help is needed. More than I can give currently. The bank will charge me insufficient funds fees to help me pay my rent this month.

Work is picking up but has been slow lately. Four day work weeks have been too common.

Kids in Uganda are still holding their stomachs from the hunger pangs.

Will you help me help them?

None of the money going there at this time is tax deductible here. I need at least four more good people to make a board to begin a 501c3 nonprofit organization.

$250 dollars is needed to finish preparing the land where the school is being built. There’s enough money to grade most of the lot. It would be good to complete the entire lot while the equipment is there. It costs a lot just to haul that piece of machinery there.

A lot of folks in the area are making bricks and helping in any way they can to bring this new school together. It’s turning into a true community effort. It’s beautiful to behold and be a part of.

$125 is needed each month to pay the sewing instructor. He’s a tailor who moved to the area after the sewing machines were bought. God is working in many ways.

The orphans are always in need of food and school fees. My heart breaks every time I get sent pictures of one of them in the hospital for malaria or broken bones as children are bound to have happen.

I’m putting this cry for help out there to see if anyone can help. I know many can’t. I understand. I can’t right now either.

I have a PayPal account set up for donations. It’s established for Shalom Uganda. That’s the Ugandan nonprofit for Brilliant School. Here’s the link: Donate Here.

Any amount will help. I send every dollar given to the kids. I even cover the fees PayPal takes out for this service.

They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, I guess it takes a poor farm boy reaching out to see just how big of a village will help poorer kids in a small country on the other side of the planet.

Please do what you can. Any amount will help. It all adds up.

Thank you in advance. Pray for the kids at least.

I’ll see you later. Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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