Here we go again. Time to put up new calendars and try to remember to write 19 instead of 18 for the year ahead. My 2018 held a lot of surprises, most of them not so good.
Right out of the chute I got stranded in Corpus Christi because of a company car that wouldn’t restart after I fueled it to come home the very first day of the year.
Early February I got rear ended by a pickup truck when my semi tractor stopped in the middle of I-55 at 1:00 in the morning. That stranded me in west Memphis, Arkansas for another day.
In July I hit a small car with the semi I was driving at 70 miles per hour. Fortunately we all walked away from that accident by God’s providence.
I was very busy driving and painting all year. You wouldn’t know it by looking at my pantry and fridge, though. That’s because I’m helping my illustrious illustrator fend off hungry wolves. It’s hard working to pay bills for two households but very gratifying at the same time.
The storybook app we’re working on will hopefully show everyone why our lives have been so difficult this year. Be ready to experience the coming together of Noah’s Ark , the gospel and great art into an interactive event on a phone or tablet near you in 2019.
Twelve months ago I had never heard of Kairos Prison Ministry. Now I can say I helped transform lives at two Kairos weekends and several Saturday events. It’s a big time and energy commitment with eternal rewards for several people. I feel privileged to be used by God this way.
North Texas Biz Assist is getting off the ground at long last. I sold a mobile app to the Dallas Black Firefighters Association late in the year. They asked for a website as well. There’s potential for several more similar apps from others of their group around the country. I’m grateful how God brought this to me since I need more time to be able to make known what I have to offer local businesses and nonprofits.
On the writing front a small publisher showed interest in Eek’s Gifts, the middle grade story that uses mice in a real world setting to tell about the true meaning of Christmas. I’ve been building my social media followings because I was given a six month timeframe to do just that to see if I can get enough people interested in what I write to make them more comfortable to take a chance on their investment. I should hear something soon.
All the time I’ve been stuck in a truck this year has yielded some interesting results. I “wrote” two complete songs and some partial ones. I put wrote in quotes because I don’t know how to write actual music, as in the musical notes, because I never learned how to play an instrument. I have the lyrics and tune that I sing as I drive. I can’t wait to see how God will use I Saw Jesus Today and Send Me…as well as Enough and the other partial songs I’m still working on in heavy traffic.
Given the right life partner things could really explode in my life in the next twelve months. That’s the part of my life that’s been put on the back burner because of a lack of time and energy needed to devote to relationship building. There are some prospects at church I have an eye on but it wouldn’t surprise me if God brings someone around I haven’t even met yet.
I always wonder where I’ll be in twelve months when I hang up new calendars. So far I’m in the same apartment with nearly empty shelves and a half used bed. My bank accounts are low and my credit card levels are high. Most folks would call me a loser because of all that but I know better than to make such an assertion based on whose I am.
As God’s adopted son I know He plans on using me to reign with Jesus in His kingdom someday. Until then He will use me to tell about Jesus in many and mighty ways. I’m still in His waiting room but I think my name is going to be called soon.
Ten and a half years ago I asked God to break me before he used me. I hope the breaking part is nearing completion, not that it will ever be complete this side of heaven. Many things are in place for the next twelve months to be monumental in my life.
If you had asked me what my life verse was before God called me to write I would have told you I have a book full of them. Once I knew I could become famous by being used by God to spread the gospel I quickly narrowed the list down to one verse. John 3:30 Jesus must increase, I must decrease.
As things appear to be making me more known it’s my desire that Jesus becomes even more popular because of me. It’s His kingdom I want to build, not mine. Mine will vanish in an instant. His will last eternally.
I’ll see you later. Wade