October 2017 News from a Starving Writer

The good news is I made it through September with my bank account in good standing. The bad news is I don’t know how far into October that standing will stand.

I’m in the throws of Starving Artist Syndrome…or stopped truck driver conundrum…or both. Yeah, both of um.

Either way my bills are looking like they’re eating my lunch at breakfast.

Calling in prayer support. Calling in prayer support.

I do have an escape plan possibly…if I can just get the hatch to open.

Okay. Let me take a deep breath. Now I’m dizzy, too. That didn’t help much.

God’s had me on a pretty strict manna diet for quite a while now. Why is He cutting my calories?

Let me see if I can explain what’s going on without depressing y’all.

The company I drive for primarily hasn’t been paying the company that pays my paycheck. I don’t know why we can’t all just get along, especially when there’s a starving artist stuck in the middle.

The Apainter Paul is going to India for the next two weeks so his work load is diminishing significantly, too, also.

Yikes…I don’t know if y’all aren’t depressed yet but me is.

Okay, another breath…another dizzy spell.

Okay…there’s this business helping local businesses I’ve been attempting to get off the ground. Now that I’m not driving my life away maybe I can get that to fly.

There’s two different nonprofits I offered to give mobile apps to this summer, still waiting to hear back from them.

There’s a woman starting up a business helping seniors who still live at home. She won’t accept the video I made for her to help her out so I can get a good review.

Yikes! I’m so bad at this business thing I can’t even give stuff away. How in the world do I think I can actually sell folks something?

Pounding head against the wall now…another dizzy spell with stars.

Let’s change the subject before I have to pay for a new wall in my apartment.

The writing is showing a bit of a flicker of reviving possibly hopefully.

I couldn’t afford to go to the great big ACFW Conference that was held in my backyard this year. They didn’t have many editors or new agents to meet with anyway so I didn’t lose much sleep over that.

Instead God came through for me at home on my own laptop computer dealy.

One publisher opened up a children’s division and opened up for manuscript submissions. Eek scampered off to that one.

During the conference another small publisher opened up for submissions, too. Eek went there, too, also, along with the other two books Tate dropped.

There’s a bit of a history with that small publisher sorta kinda from the BRMCWC (another writers’ conference).

The two years I drove 1,000 mile to attend there (back when I had a good paying job) there was this guy named Cyle who kept placing in the unpublished competition for almost everything.

Cyle placed second when Eek placed third for the middle grade novel in 2014.

They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, so I looked up this Cyle guy on Facebook and friended him.

The agent who started writing prayers on an online group I was in that led to the 100 Prayers of a Writer book said this Cyle was asking her to represent him at the time. She told him he needs to concentrate his writing on one genre. He’s too talented for that. Why do agents do that to us starving artists?

So, what does this Cyle do? He becomes an agent himself…maybe a double agent. I don’t know since he may still be my enemy.

Guess who is a partner in the small publishing company that opened up for submissions? If you answered Cyle you win something from a starving artist. Maybe you can take me to lunch and buy me groceries afterward. I don’t know but it sounds good to me.

They’re looking for children’s books and general fiction. Those I had books ready for.

I sent them my Christmas devotional book, too, also, in hopes that Cyle might know of a publisher looking for such genius writing and represent me to them, too, also, maybe.

Calling in prayer support. Calling in prayer support.

The Hebrews left Egypt through the Red Sea without getting swamped. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednigo walked into the furnace without getting so much as a hair singed.

Is it asking too much for a starving artist to come out of this fiasco I call my life honoring God in all I do?

That’s always been my goal.

It always will be.

All I know is I feel like I’m facing a giant with a sheer cliff mountain behind him standing in my way of getting to where I need to be.

Giants and mountains ain’t nothin to God. I do know that.

I’ll get there in God’s timing.

I’ll see you on the other side, my friend, too, also.

Keep smiling.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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