Where Has My Country Gone?

I love the United States of America.

I love the fact we claim the most freedoms of any country in the world.

I love the work ethic I share with most of our citizens.

I don’t like where I see our great country heading.

Our democratic society is being derailed by non-democratic power hungry liberals.

The vast majority of us still worship God through the cross of Jesus Christ. Too many of us have become silent to the detriment of all we stand for.

Enough people in the government power center are in a position to remove our best freedoms to appease a slim minority of our citizens.

American citizens still in their mother’s womb are the first ones censored of all their freedoms. The Supreme Court is maintaining that stance.

Herod the Great’s massacre of innocent babies in Bethlehem that first Christmas looks tame compared to our modern society’s butcherings.

When Satan gets another victim of his to kill several people with a gun the news media explodes with calls for removal of that basic right our forefathers set for us.

More people are killed by cars than guns. Why don’t we hear chants to remove vehicles from the roads?

The primarily liberal public education system promised an end to racial tension when I attended several decades ago.

Why does there seem to be more hatred now, especially when law enforcement individuals are involved?

Responsibility has been replaced with entitlement.

Character used to be a huge factor in determining who the best person would be for our next president.

Charisma is more the watch-word today. Any type of novelty factor only helps decide for most voting citizens.

Why do we allow stores the “right” to let mixed up men use a restroom built for women with no thought about the repercussions of who else will take advantage of such lunacy to feed their pedophilia?

Throughout history the greatest nations have been in existence an average of 200 years. Today we celebrate 240 years for the USA.

Witnessing the decline of such a fabulous governmental experiment with democracy is heart breaking at best.

I’m not saying it’s too late to bring us back to greatness. I’m not saying it’s not. Frankly, I don’t know.

The Vietnam War was going on while I attended school. I still remember seeing people being air-lifted by helicopters to ships to safety as that one ended.

I didn’t trust my government to make good decisions then. That was a huge factor to me for not joining the military out of high school.

I loved my country enough to do that instead of going to college. I wish I would have followed that loyalty now.

I only know there’s only one true hope for us. Jesus Christ.

We’re too quickly coming to the point of a loyalty to Jesus becoming a death sentence. In many parts of the world it already is.

I cannot waver from that loyalty. I never will.

A return to greatness will not come from “free” health care or an annihilation of all guns.

God is the One who determines which nations will rise to greatness and which ones fall into obscurity.

I still don’t trust my government, not the one led by people.

I only trust the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ.

My total allegiance is to Him. His government is just and right.

Jesus gave His very life just so I can reign with Him for eternity.

What that will look like I can’t say. I trust He’ll do what’s best for every inhabitant of His kingdom.

If we acknowledge our dependence on God to guide us then I know America can be great again.

I don’t know if enough of us will do that.

I only know I have done that and I cannot turn back from that commitment.

I’ll see you later.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.


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