I hope I didn’t wake any of my regular peeps up with this mid-week post, but my blogging buddy Melissa Maygrove has a nifty-neat-o thing going on this week. It’s called a Follow Fest. It’s a chance for bloggers to find like-minded writing folks to follow them and/or get to know other bloggers.
To get involved in it I have to answer a few questions on my blog so I can link back to her site so others can find me in the blogosphere. Of course I had fun responding to her questions. I hope y’all enjoy reading my answers.
After you read these replies you may return to your regularly scheduled boring lives.
Name: Wade Webster
Fiction or nonfiction? Mostly fiction with devotionals thrown in the mix
What genres do you write? That’s like asking a schizophrenic how many personalities he has. Let’s see, I just sent off a MG proposal to a publisher at their request at Blue Ridge. Before that I sent them my Christmas devotional proposal. I also have an adult contemporary semi-romance in the works. And a picture-bookish poem I’m thinking about turning into a book app. I warned you it was complicated.
Are you published? I’ve had a few magazine articles published in a now extinct local magazine. I don’t think it was my fault, but if it’s linked to computers it probably was.
Do you do anything in addition to writing? I are a trucker, I mean I drive a truck for a living, locally for Con-way Freight.
Tell us a little about yourself. I actually enjoy running, but not marathons. Dark chocolate is my preferred means of sustenance. I was born a Michigander, but I’m now a firmly transplanted Texan. There was quite a wilderness wandering to get me to God’s promised land, but I’m here now.
What are you reading right now? I’m reading these questions so I can answer them in a somewhat meaningful way. I hope.
Which authors influenced you the most?Besides those guys who wrote the Bible I’d say Steven Bly and Chuck Swindoll would top the list.
Where can people connect with you?See the links below for that personal stuff. Puleeze.
Blog Since you’ve obviously found my blog here don’t be rude by skipping to sign up for more fun and surprises. The top subscription form is for those of y’all who want my newsletter, blog and some free samples of my writing sent directly to your email inbox. The second form is for those who either just want my newsletter and samples sent to your email and/or you prefer to get your blog posts sent via RSS feed. So, do it now before you forget!
I post a Funny Monday post every Monday morning and a Faithful Friday devotional post each Friday evening.
Twitter @WadeWebster1
Facebook AuthorWadeWebster
Goodreads as Wade Webster
Google+ wadeis3rd@gmail.com
LinkedIn wade-webster
Pinterest Not yet, but keep a look out for me someday when you least expect it.
YouTube Oh, yeah, I have a channel. I use it for a monthly humor vlog post on this here blog. It’s a reality dose for my subscribers. I don’t know if they’ve gotten over the shock, yet. Just look for that guy with the name Wade Webster.
Do you have a newsletter? Of course I have a newsletter…now where did I put that thing? Oh, you want to know if I put a newsletter out on a regular basis to my subscribers. Why didn’t you ask me that then? I’ve been writing a monthly newsletter for the past few months giving my peeps the inside dirt of my writing life, such as when I’ve sent out a proposal, or two. I also request prayer when I feel led to ask for assistance from above. Oh, yeah, I need that by the truckload. I’ve been putting it out the 1st of each month so far.
Is there anything else you’d like us to know? I’m a member of ACFW. I write a weekly prayer on the children’s fiction loop.
I’ll see you later. Wade
Hey, fellow Texan! Thanks for taking part in Follow Fest!
Thanks for dreaming this craziness up, Melissa. This is fun.
Now I just need to wrangle up some free time to see my guests sites. Hopefully this weekend.
You’re quite funny! hehe
My mom and dad were tag-team truck drivers for the local distribution centers around and would travel all over the country delivering food. It was interesting when they would be gone for a week at a time.
I’ll need to check out all of your sites!
I tried talking my wife into doing something like that once. I think the thought of being crammed that close together was too much intimacy for her.
Thanks for stopping by, Dani.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to virtually meet you, too, Elizabeth.
Stopping by from the Follow Fest. Nice to meet you!
Thanks for stopping by, Madeline. It’s fun greeting new people like this.
Y’all come back now. Ya hear?
Nice to meet you through the Follow Fest, Wade. All those miles on the road must provide great opportunities to dream up stories. Your eclectic projects sound like fun–never a dull moment, right?
No, Laurel, most of my truck driving is done in and around Dallas, Texas. There’s NO time to let my mind wonder then. There are plenty of moments on those roads. Dull isn’t in my vocabulary.
Nice to meet you, Wade. You sound like one busy man. I really admire that you can do humorous vlogs , that’s something I’d never dare do–or have the talent for.
Hi Pat.
I put off starting a humor blog as long as I could, but God wouldn’t let up on me so I finally took the plunge. Once the ideas for some videos came to me I knew I had to follow that course, too. Nothing’s gone viral yet.
Hello, Wade, nice to meet you!!! I agree it’s hard to sometimes pinpoint an exact genre. I like many.
Hi Cathrina.
Thanks for stopping by. Yeah, I’m one of those crazies agents seem averse to. They prefer to pigeon-hole writers. Well, when they give me my inspiration I’ll listen to them. In the meantime I answer to a Higher calling.
You have a lot going for yourself! Glad we stopped by!
I’m glad you stopped by, too. I always like to leave room for cover girls.
As a trucker, you must have tons of stories to tell.
Stories to tell and drivers to yell at. Boy howdy do I have some experiences.
Perhaps a future blog post.
Thanks for stopping by Lee.
Great meeting you through Follow Fest! I love your answer to the “What are you reading right now” question. It made me giggle.
Thanks for commenting, Loni.
I’m glad my humor gave you a lift. I hope you stop back frequently.