Okay, what IS the next holiday now?

The Christmas decorations have been on display in many stores for well over a month now. If I remember right Halloween came after that time…and we just ate a big meal with turkey as the main course.

Why don’t I remember summer lately. Did I skip Labor Day somehow?

There was something to do with veterans. That’s right Veterans Day is 11/11 every year. Or, was it Memorial Day that just passed?

“They” are sure right when they say time moves faster as you get older. Before I know it I’ll have to buy new calendars again. Wait! Don’t tell me I missed the coming of the new year.

Is there any way a guy can check these details without relying on store displays. It seems like calendars are for sale year round. Aren’t they?

I know. Sports are a good way to tell what time of year it is. What’s playing?

I saw a baseball game not too long ago. Maybe it’s still summer. Maybe not.

Football is a fall sport. Hockey needs ice, so it’s a winter sport. Basketball is designed as an indoor sport, so it must be a winter game.

I think they’re all being played now. That didn’t help me none.

The Olympics…nope, they ain’t on this year. I’m still lost.

I just checked my watch. That didn’t help neither. All that says is I need to keep typing if I’m going to get this post out on my self-imposed deadline.

Deadline! Where did that word come from. Don’t remind me I’m late for something important.

I hope I ain’t cuz I can’t recall nothing pressing. That doesn’t mean I ain’t. It just means my recallector isn’t working.

Okay. Deep breath time. Inhale…relax…now exhale. Now I’m dizzy. That didn’t help none.

If the calendar on my wall is right it’s still November. The last day at that. December starts tomorrow.

There’s that pesky deadline. Note to self…don’t forget to type a monthly newsletter to everyone subscribed to this here blog for Tuesday. I have some important things to say. If I can just remember what they are at the time. Both of my fans will appreciate it.

Now I know why God doesn’t rely on me to get things done. If He did I wouldn’t have let most of the bad things occur in my life that have happened.

Come to think of it if I’d have had my way I’d probably be the same guy I was 40 years ago. Hold your horses. I was a teenager 40 years ago. Thank you Jesus for not leaving me THAT guy. Whew…I definitely don’t want to go back there. No thank you.

December…that must mean Christmas is the next big holiday, unless I’m Jewish, then it’s Hanukkah. How do I know if I’m Jewish or not? I don’t remember a Bar Mitzvah…so I think I ain’t Jewish.

Must be Christmas is next then.

Why don’t I feel like shopping for anything. Maybe I’ll just celebrate the real reason for the season. Jesus born as God in a human body.

Talk about mind-blowing. How did an infinite God become a finite person?

I can’t explain it neither. Don’t blow a fuse trying and don’t make me blow nothing trying to figure it out.

Let’s just take advantage of God’s incredible love for us by accepting His indescribable gift for an eternal relationship with Him in His incomprehensible heaven.

Ouch! That was one very long sentence with too many big words in it for this puny mind.

I need to go to sleep to rest up for that newsletter going out the first of the month. I hope I remember to do that in time.

Subscribe so you can tell if I did it…or am about to do it…or something.

Keep smiling.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.


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