Spiritual journeys don’t need a lot of geographic space

I’m writing this post on Thursday, August 13, 2015. I should have started my day in Amarillo, Texas. God had other plans for me. His plans included a spiritual journey in my 700 square foot apartment.

Last Friday I THOUGHT this week was all mapped out for me to work five consecutive days for the first time in many weeks. Come late Wednesday morning my supervisor at the window place called.

I was expecting his call to tell me when to come in to begin my west Texas delivery run for the last three days of the week. Instead I learned about an equipment breakdown that threw my entire schedule for a loop.

Now I need to make my deliveries over the weekend including next Monday. At least that ‘s the plan he has laid out for now. I’m curious as to what God’s plans are for me.

Being gone over the entire weekend means I’ll miss church this week. Which means I’ll miss filling in for my last week of helping with the toddlers before the regular helpers step in after Promotion Sunday.

This morning I was eating my oatmeal in front of an open chronological study Bible. I typically do this to prepare for writing Friday’s devotional post here.

The page is open to the gospels where Jesus is coming to Jerusalem for the last time. James and John are requesting the positions of authority either side of Jesus in His kingdom, then Jesus will heal some blind guy(s) near Jericho.

You know how sometimes a portion of scripture will just jump off the page at you? Well, that’s what happened to me this morning.

Jesus repeats the exact same question several times on these pages of scripture: “What do you want me to do for you?”

Suddenly I felt like Solomon at the beginning of his reign as Israel’s king. I could ask for anything I want, but only one thing.

My life is so full of potential prayer requests there’s no way I can narrow them all down to the most important one. They’re all important.

Do I ask for my marriage to reunite? I’ve been repeating that one for several years. It seems to be never ending, yet important.

Should I request for my finances to improve? There are two writing conferences that could use some monetary assistance so I can possibly land a publisher for my devotional book series and/or some fiction that’s been ready to impact some lives for God.

I need wisdom for which conference(s) to attend. The one near me in September or the one in Michigan in October, or both?

There’s the business ventures I hope will bring in enough money for me to concentrate on the writing more but haven’t done much, yet.

I paced my small apartment for several minutes weighing my options.

Do you know what eventually brought tears to my eyes for my one request?

I prayed for the Holy Spirit to move in someone’s heart to step in with the kids so that classroom wouldn’t be closed this Sunday. (I choked up again typing that sentence.)

I have a gift with the toddlers. They’re drawn to a grandfather figure to calm them. Last week I had a crier on my left leg getting over separation anxiety after being dropped off. This usually take a few minutes to resolve.

While I’m rocking this girl another young lady walks up to me, no tears, just wanted my attention, too. There’s nothing more fulfilling than calming two kids at once.

Emiline and I were BFF’s for the next hour and a half.

I pray for their parents to be blessed during the sermon. This week’s message was on serving Jesus. I was doing just that then.

After I petitioned my request I got up and dried my eyes before checking my email. Both of the women involved with the kids told me how much they appreciate my faithfulness in serving over the summer months.

A third email from church surprised me. It was from the pastor who runs the men’s retreat every year. Les wanted to know if I planned on being involved behind the scenes again and using my van to transport equipment to east Texas for that weekend.

If that isn’t confirmation that God is still planning on using me I don’t know what is.

I’m confident God’s children will be well cared for this Sunday.

Now I’m expecting last week’s paycheck to show up in the mail so I can pay for one day at the local conference before the rate goes up. Tyndale may be the publisher God has chosen for my devotionals and/or my children’s books.

I’ll never know if I don’t give it a shot. He’s counting on me to remain faithful.

Keep smiling.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.


  1. Wade… things will work out as you wish (or as God will put on your heart to wish!) because you are faithful to Him in the small things and He will be faithful to you in the big. You are a true Christ-follower, not a wannabe or false professor of faith, and I count myself blessed to know you.


    1. Thank you very much, Deb.
      I just stepped out by faith and paid for a full conference. Now I’m praying for as many “chances” to speak to as many editors as possible who may be interested in my devotional series of books and/or my fiction manuscripts. Prayers are appreciated.
      PS I fixed your spelling blunder…that’s what friends are for. Right?
      Have a great day. Wade

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