The Winds of Change are Blowing

It’s interesting driving around this time of year. Especially when I drive north or south. That’s when the scenery changes the most. The bluebonnets are out in full force from Dallas south. To the north they’re just starting to bloom. Redbuds are doing well in southern Oklahoma but not so much in northern Arkansas nor… Continue reading The Winds of Change are Blowing

I Just Knew It

Last week was a bit of a roller coaster ride for this truck driver turned writer. My writer side received the high point award while I delivered mattresses in Longview, Texas on Wednesday. Discount Mattress quickly became one of my favorite stops before this past week. It’s a family run operation…a mother-in-law daughter-in-law arrangement mostly.… Continue reading I Just Knew It

58 Orbits

I got older last week. I guess we all aged the same seven days, but mine had a bump Thursday that hits everyone once a year. I completed my fifty-eighth orbit around the sun. For those of you who are mathematically challenged that means I turned 58 last week. I hate to admit this but,… Continue reading 58 Orbits

So Far So Good

2018 began with a struggle and kept it up for twelve full months. My cupboards have been sparsely covered with foodstuffs since September. I’m not complaining. God has supplied my needs. I’ve been too busy to be able to enjoy much of anything beyond the basics anyway. It’s all good. So far 2019 is behaving… Continue reading So Far So Good

Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

For those of you who’ve noticed I haven’t posted a new blog post for a couple of weeks, thank you for your prayers. I’ve been one super-hyper busy fella lately. Between driving and painting I hardly have time to breathe most days. I decided to resurrect a Thanksgiving poem for your enjoyment. I wrote this… Continue reading Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited