September was a unique month for me. I was able to go back to where I grew up. I connected with some of the kids I went to school with at a reunion. I spent quality time with each of my siblings. I even spent time with my dad’s last remaining sister. To say nostalgia… Continue reading I’m Going Home
Tag: Texas
Wednesday Was Epic
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 will go down officially as an epic day for Wade Webster. Although there was some disappointment along the way it was still a day that was long overdue in many ways. I’ve been posting here about why I decided to grow my beard out this winter season. I had a chance… Continue reading Wednesday Was Epic
The Chosen Beard
Okay, I grew my beard out again this winter. I wasn’t planning on it but God called me to do it for a specific reason…to help build His kingdom. Yeah, it’s a bit complicated, but what else is new in my life. It’s all complicated when you walk closely with God with Jesus Christ as… Continue reading The Chosen Beard
It’s Time for Time Travel
Did you miss it this time around? Were you so early for church you thought it must be a weekday? Yeah, that pesky time change has a way of sneaking up on us all. If you failed to set your clocks back an hour you found yourself an hour ahead of everyone else for a… Continue reading It’s Time for Time Travel
The 2018 SCC Men’s Retreat is in the Books as Another Winner
I’ve been attending the Stonebriar Men’s Retreats since 2010. Every year is different yet the same. This year was no exception. I’m always glad when I can go with the set up team on Thursday for several reasons. The Christian fellowship is amazing and fun. The team changes over the years but the comradery is… Continue reading The 2018 SCC Men’s Retreat is in the Books as Another Winner
And the Beat Goes On
The summer heat definitely hit Texas and surrounding states this past week…especially inside of a semi trailer while wrestling windows. The regular driver who took vacation time for two weeks couldn’t have chosen a better period, period. On Monday I had two stops in Dallas where I was in the trailer for well over an… Continue reading And the Beat Goes On
Sometimes Clarity is Better Than Progress
There are three basic answers to prayer…so they say…Yes, no and wait. Since God isn’t One to be hemmed in by our parameters He likes to sneak in an exception once in a while. I think I received one this week…not this one. I suppose that could be interpreted as a no, but not really.… Continue reading Sometimes Clarity is Better Than Progress
Well…I lived to tell about it
Wow! I’m so excited I’ll write that backwards. Wow! Last week was quite something else. I hoped to take Monday and Tuesday off to prepare for the Kairos weekend. God had other plans. The window company dispatcher called the Friday before saying he needed someone to take an overflow load to Kansas. It sounded like… Continue reading Well…I lived to tell about it
I’m Going to Prison…YIKES!
As a Christian you do your best to stay out of trouble. But you also want to do all you can to please God. Sometimes doing the right thing can land you in jail for the right reasons. I guess this all started over a year ago when Marcia said she might want to buy… Continue reading I’m Going to Prison…YIKES!
Signs of Spring
February can be an extremely difficult month to endure. I know firsthand from being born and raised in Michigan. I can still recall seeing the pastures just east of our house blanketed in snow with more snow blowing across the barrenness. The wood heating stoves barely kept up with the freezing temperatures. There was a… Continue reading Signs of Spring