Elijah opened his eyes. A hand was on his shoulder. “Get up and eat this.” He looked to his left. A small cake and some water sat on a rock. When he turned back to the man nobody was there. He sat up, ate the meal then laid back down. Another hand on his shoulder… Continue reading Gentle Voice
Tag: mentoring
Nathan paused when he approached the throneroom door. “LORD, give me the strength to do Your work here.” He pulled the door open and walked up to King David. David smiled and cocked his head to the left. “Nathan, I didn’t expect you today. To what do I owe this pleasure?” “There were two men.… Continue reading IT’S YOU SIR
Samuel laid back in bed. The torch was still burning in the tabernacle. That was his assignment each night…keep God’s light burning. “Samuel.” He sat up and ran to Eli’s chamber. “What is it?” Eli rolled over to face the youngster. “What do you want, Samuel?” “You called for me. I want to know what… Continue reading FIRST ASSIGNMENT
My Tribute to my Mom
A half hour into the date of February 27, 2015 my Mom walked into the arms of Jesus. A chapter of my life closed. She’d been in and out of the hospital several times over the past few years, so when she was taken back there Sunday the 22nd everyone assumed she’d return home. She… Continue reading My Tribute to my Mom
2014 Stonebriar Men’s Retreat recap
This was the fifth consecutive year I’ve attended the men’s retreat put on by Stonebriar Community Church. Each year I’ve offered the use of Clifford, my full-size van. Each year they’ve taken me up on my offer. I remember the first year I did that I waited until the day before the event to find… Continue reading 2014 Stonebriar Men’s Retreat recap
This book takes an amazing journey of senior citizens in the Bible. Let’s take a few minutes to see what we saw about them. We found not one, but two, aged couples who became first-time parents: Abraham and Sarah from the Old Testament, and Zacharias and Elizabeth in the New Testament. I sure hope God… Continue reading SENIORS’ SUMMARY
Paul waited for Luke’s eyes to open from his nap. He raised a hand to wipe a tear from his eye. Luke stirred and opened his eyes. “You really need to learned how to rattle those chains quieter, Paul.” “Do we have any parchment and ink? I need you to compose a letter for me.”… Continue reading THE LAST LETTER
Elizabeth set the ingredients out for her special unleavened bread. Zacharias would be home soon. She knew how much he loved her fresh bread. The 23rd Psalm hummed from her mouth. A hand on each side startled her. Flour went everywhere, including her hair. She spun around and found her husband smiling from ear-to-ear. She noticed… Continue reading A DELAYED BLESSING
Samuel looked out over the valley leading up to Ramah. The lone figure approaching caught his attention. It wasn’t until the young man was very near that a recognition occurred. “David?” David pushed his wet hair back with his left hand. “Samuel, Sir, I have nowhere else to turn. The LORD’s anointed is trying to… Continue reading MENTOR ME