Jacob looked at all the carts, sacks of grain and animals before he stared at his sons. Simeon’s face was too sad for a proper reunion. “What is the meaning of all this stuff?” Benjamin walked up to his dad and grasped Jacob’s shoulders. “Joseph sent them. He wants us to bring you to him.”… Continue reading A Final Assurance
Tag: Joseph
SHEPHERDS’ NEWS a classic post
Merry Christmas to any of my peeps reading this on Jesus’s birthday. I’ve decided to dig into my archives to bring you a favorite scene from the stable. You’ll discover when Mary and Joseph learned how the shepherds were told about the Savior. As Mary felt the infant at her breast fall asleep she carefully rolled… Continue reading SHEPHERDS’ NEWS a classic post
WAITING ON GOD book review and launch
When I learned my friend, Wayne Stiles, was writing a book about the life of Joseph I was thrilled. At the time I was going through Joseph’s life for devotional topics for my blog. It’s always fun to see how another writer sees the same portion of scripture. Wayne did not disappoint me. I knew… Continue reading WAITING ON GOD book review and launch
The water dumped on Joseph’s head cooled the burning sensation from the shave. As the last of the water rinsed the soap off he felt renewed–like he was no longer a prisoner. The clean robe they placed on him was almost as colorful as Abba’s robe had been. The man in charge clapped his hands… Continue reading BEFORE THE KING
“Joseph, will you come here? Please.” The jail keeper’s voice shook Joseph out of his thoughts. He ran to the front office. Two men slumped over by the front door. The jail keeper straightened the papers in front of him. “Here are our two newest residents. The alcohol took over and they disturbed Pharaoh’s party.… Continue reading 24 MONTHS
Joseph stopped in his tracks as he walked through the jail. Ahmed and Rashad were sitting in their cell. Joseph backed up. “Shouldn’t you two be in the kitchen fixing breakfast?” Then he saw them both staring at the floor. “What happened to you guys? You both look like you just lost your best friend.”… Continue reading GODLY INTERPRETATIONS
“Potiphar, I wasn’t expecting you..are we having a surprise inspection this evening?” The jail keeper straightened the papers on his desk. Potiphar held his left hand in front of him. His right hand grasped Joseph’s upper arm band. “Don’t worry. I wish this was an inspection. I have your newest inmate. This is Joseph.” “Joseph…Is… Continue reading A NEW OPPORTUNITY
“Oh, Joseph…” The hairs on Joseph’s neck stood erect. He glanced up from the notes laid out in front of him. Potiphar’s wife, Nephry is the name she preferred, stood in the doorway. The sheer gown she wore exposed more than Joseph planned on seeing. He looked at the gardener who was working details with… Continue reading A TEMPTING TEST
Joseph was taken directly to the gardener when they entered Potiphar’s home. The gardener looked at him. “Do you speak Egyptian?” Joseph stood quietly. The gardener looked at the men who brought him in. “Do we know where he’s from?” “He’s a Hebrew from Canaan.” “Canaan, that’s closer than most of the slaves we get… Continue reading A NEW LANGUAGE
Joseph hopped off the camel at the request of his captors. A crowd was forming around them. Items were removed from other camels and set out for inspection. Money was exchanged as Joseph watched. A prominent-looking man approached his captors. “Have you any slaves this trip?” They walked up to Joseph. “I have this fine… Continue reading A FOREIGN LAND