The Multi-purpose Room

I’ve been a member of Stonebriar Community Church for twelve years now. To say there’s an incredible sense of community there would be an understatement. But, then, what would you expect with our middle name being Community? The beautiful main sanctuary was only on the drawing board when I first attended over a decade ago.… Continue reading The Multi-purpose Room

A Divine Appointment

Timing is everything…that’s what the experts all say. God’s timing is incredible…that’s what this nobody says. My September vacation in Michigan was way too overdue. I hadn’t experienced a time to unplug from reality in over a decade. Oh, I’ve unplugged for a day, or part of a day, during that stretch but not a… Continue reading A Divine Appointment

The Vacation that Won’t End

I haven’t had a true vacation in over a decade. To say my life has been challenging would be an understatement. Well, I’m trying to complete said overdue vacation, but it doesn’t seem to want to end. Apparently my life is afraid it will be another decade before I take similar time away from the… Continue reading The Vacation that Won’t End

The Least of These

The last three weekends have been filled with helping the least of the members of our society…and I love it. The first Saturday of August I helped feed homeless folks in south Dallas. The next Saturday I traveled to a maximum security prison to speak to prisoners. This past Saturday I helped the homeless again.… Continue reading The Least of These