Nathan watched David pace. “What are you thinking about?” David stopped. Looked at the prophet, then his walls. “Is it right for me to live in such an extraordinary cedar palace while the ark of God dwells in a tent?” Nathan shook his head. “You are clearly in God’s will with whatever you do. How… Continue reading YOUR HOUSE NOT MINE


Samuel laid back in bed. The torch was still burning in the tabernacle. That was his assignment each night…keep God’s light burning. “Samuel.” He sat up and ran to Eli’s chamber. “What is it?” Eli rolled over to face the youngster. “What do you want, Samuel?” “You called for me. I want to know what… Continue reading FIRST ASSIGNMENT

This Week I Lingered at Linger

This past Friday and Saturday Stonebriar Community Church hosted the 2017 Linger Conference. Why do they call it the Linger Conference? I wondered the same thing until I received an email from the man in charge when I offered to volunteer for setting up on Thursday. The email came from none other than Chris Linger.… Continue reading This Week I Lingered at Linger

I Wish God’s Will for the New Year

I’ve seen a lot of wishes for happiness and good things from well-meaning folks. As a born-again believer I’m not comfortable in making those types of wishes. By taking a more eternal view of how God sees things I think you’ll see what I mean. Watch my video for a more thorough explanation. I’ll see… Continue reading I Wish God’s Will for the New Year

Dumb They Called Me

It’s time for my annual spoof of a classic Christmas song. This year The Little Drummer Boy gets a make over. Don’t expect much humor this go-round. A spiritual contrast is more the order of business this year. Feel free to share this with anyone you think will benefit from the message conveyed here. I… Continue reading Dumb They Called Me

The 2016 Stonebriar Men’s Retreat is in the Books as Another Winner

I just returned home from this years’ men’s retreat put on by my church. Okay, it’s not strictly my church or it wouldn’t be much of a retreat. Can one person really enjoy teaching himself new things from the Bible? Stonebriar Community Church is the organization I chose to be included in their membership. Therefore,… Continue reading The 2016 Stonebriar Men’s Retreat is in the Books as Another Winner

55 Year Old Wade’s Letter to 18 Year Old Wade

Hi Wade I know you won’t get this in time for it to make a difference. I just feel compelled to write this to me so here goes. I think I can best give you advice in two word segments. BRACE YOURSELF. You are in for an incredible journey for your life. Don’t expect routine… Continue reading 55 Year Old Wade’s Letter to 18 Year Old Wade