Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

For those of you who’ve noticed I haven’t posted a new blog post for a couple of weeks, thank you for your prayers. I’ve been one super-hyper busy fella lately. Between driving and painting I hardly have time to breathe most days. I decided to resurrect a Thanksgiving poem for your enjoyment. I wrote this… Continue reading Thank You Heavenly Father-revisited

Called to Fail

Where am I? Who is that sitting on a throne? His robe is incredible. It’s filling every part of the floor. Those beings over the throne…who are they? Why do they have wings…six wings on each one? They’re using two to fly with, but why are they covering their face and feet? The seraphim spoke… Continue reading Called to Fail

Another legend went Home this week, Stan Toussaint

One advantage of attending Stonebriar Community Church is the chance to rub shoulders with some remarkable individuals. Many of them are associated with Dallas Theological Seminary. One disadvantage of this advantage is feeling a deeper loss when they’re called Home to be with the Lord. Stanley D. Toussaint is now in the presence of Jesus.… Continue reading Another legend went Home this week, Stan Toussaint

Lessons from the Toddler Whisperer

Another summer with the toddlers has closed for the Toddler Whisperer. Since I never had children of my own I get my grandfather fix during the summer months. More firsts were encountered. More lessons learned by this old man. God directly answered one of my emails at the very beginning of the summer. When I… Continue reading Lessons from the Toddler Whisperer