We’d be nowhere without our moms Our life begins inside her tum…my She feeds us food and sings us songs She lets us know that we belong When we feel sick she holds us tight Sometimes we keep her up all night As we mature she tries to help us Too oft we insist that… Continue reading A Poem for Moms Everywhere
Tag: heart
Jim passed this morning
Life has a way of becoming stunningly obvious at times. Take last week for example. My driving assignments have slowed since the Christmas rush has subsided. Not to fear, the Apainter Paul is getting some big painting jobs he needs help with. Last week we were painting an exterior in Frisco. We finished the back… Continue reading Jim passed this morning
Bible Lessons From 2 Peters
Worship this Sunday was incredible. The music was exta-extraordinary, which for Stonebriar Community Church is saying a lot. We enjoyed the full orchestra and choir. They were hitting everything out of the ballpark. Even us regular folks were singing at full tilt, at least I know I was. Fortunately I had time to absorb hymn… Continue reading Bible Lessons From 2 Peters
55 Year Old Wade’s Letter to 18 Year Old Wade
Hi Wade I know you won’t get this in time for it to make a difference. I just feel compelled to write this to me so here goes. I think I can best give you advice in two word segments. BRACE YOURSELF. You are in for an incredible journey for your life. Don’t expect routine… Continue reading 55 Year Old Wade’s Letter to 18 Year Old Wade
What is a Mom?
What is a Mom? Mom is a woman who gives people birth Her belly is stretched destroying her girth She sleeps very little because of small cries You can tell it from the bags under her eyes Mom puts food in the top side of her children Then cleans up messes that occur in the… Continue reading What is a Mom?
A Warning Followed by Consequences
Cain looked at his brother with contempt. Abel’s bloody hands were raised in worship. Cain lifted a melon over his head. “This is from my field. I till the soil. It’s all I have. Why isn’t it enough?” God’s voice was clear. “He gave the first and best to me.” The melon was hurled to… Continue reading A Warning Followed by Consequences
There once was an elf we’ll call Ralph
There once was an elf we’ll call Ralph Who lived all his life on a shelf As Christmas drew near A time he held dear A manger was placed in the room Ralph heard the same story each year Of wisemen and shepherds in fear A baby was born Way out in a barn Instead… Continue reading There once was an elf we’ll call Ralph
“Here He comes.” Thadeus nudged the fellow scribe next to him when he saw Jesus enter the gate of Jerusalem. They and the priests with them studied His every move. They followed Jesus as He led His followers to the temple. They all froze when Jesus stopped in the outer area reserved for Gentiles. “What’s… Continue reading RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION
Faith is like a muscle. I’m running with a limp right now.
Every runner knows there are times you just have to run through a pain. Most sore muscles work the kinks out with a little simple effort. BUT, sometimes a runner has to admit the pain is just too bad to ignore. I developed one of THOSE pains last week. Let me explain my unorthodox running routine… Continue reading Faith is like a muscle. I’m running with a limp right now.
“Is the time now for my kingdom to start?” David stared at the ephod Abiathar wore. “Yes.” “What city shall I go to?” “Hebron.” David stood and faced his men. “We’re going to Hebron.” The cheer was deafening. **** After David and his men settled into Hebron and its surrounding towns the elders of Judah… Continue reading CIVIL WAR