Modern technology has made life far from simple these days in my humble opinion. Most days I wish I could go back to not needing a computer. Last week I was forced into that mode. It began as a basic updating of my security account. The initial transaction was accomplished without a hitch. The problem… Continue reading No Computer
Tag: computers
I have the Best BFF’s
Social media…the term wasn’t even invented when I was a kid. What am I saying? I don’t think it was around when my hair began to turn gray. I wish I could go back to a life before email and computer stuff in general. Part of my rational for that sentiment is because computers are… Continue reading I have the Best BFF’s
Eek is One Step Closer
When my pre-writer’s creative mind came up with the idea for a mouse that thinks his name is Eek because that’s what people say when they see him I didn’t know I would be the one writing his story. It’s been quite a journey for me. This adventure began it’s next leg about ten years… Continue reading Eek is One Step Closer
Normal for me is spelled Frustrating Chaos
For anybody who missed me, or this blog post anywho, this past Monday I have an extremely good reason for being AWOL. My computer/internet router/modem gave up the ghost at an extremely awkward moment. Let’s back up to last Thursday evening. I received an email from The Upper Room devotional folks about one of the… Continue reading Normal for me is spelled Frustrating Chaos
Can an Old Country Bumpkin Really Succeed Today?
The more I attempt to try new things the more I’m convinced I just need to find a team of folks who know what they’re doing. Case in point: I recorded my first Facebook Live event last week. I decided to try to get more attention to my crowdfunding campaign by doing this new way… Continue reading Can an Old Country Bumpkin Really Succeed Today?
Abraham smiled broadly as Jesus approached. Jesus’s smile was just as big. “So, how’s that baby boy doing?” “He’s just finishing up another feeding. Sarah will let us know when they’re done.” One of Sarah’s servant girls walked out of the tent and tied the flap open. She bowed to the men before she went… Continue reading LAUGHTER FOLLOWED BY A DISMISSAL
The blogging train has returned to the station and I’m climbing back on board. I’m smiling as I settle back in where I belong. I missed y’all. I hope you missed me, too. This foray into full-time writing has been a bit of a ride, as I expected it to be. Of course I didn’t… Continue reading I’m BA-ACK!
2014 in my rearview mirror
I don’t know about you, but I’m looking forward to putting a fresh calendar on my wall. This past twelve months came with more challenges than I planned for. I survived the extremely cold winter with flashbacks that reminded me why I moved away from Michigan. I had an extremely rude, unexpected visitor on March… Continue reading 2014 in my rearview mirror
What’s a guy to do when he’s between careers?
Have you ever had a time in your life when you’re in between careers? I don’t mean in between jobs, those are too frequent, I’m talking a foot in two different fields practically unrelated. I can tell you from personal experience that it ain’t pretty. It’s draining. It’s mind numbing. It’s sleep depriving. And if… Continue reading What’s a guy to do when he’s between careers?