Have you ever donated blood? I have several times. It’s becoming rather routine for me. Well, I was scheduled to go back on Sunday. The appointment was made when I was in for my last donation. Usually I’m given an extra week for my donation as a rule. I guess someone doesn’t know that unwritten… Continue reading Some Good Deeds Don’t Turn Out So Good
Tag: bad choices
I’m a Visionary
Okay. I admit it. I’m stuck in my life. There. I said it. Now how do I change it? My life is becoming a bit routine in some ways. Ways I don’t like. As Eddie Rabbit used to sing I’m driving my life away. That’s not at all what I want to do with the… Continue reading I’m a Visionary
Who Are You?
Job picked up another pottery shard and scraped more dead skin off his leg. His friend ended his suggestion as to why Job found himself in this condition. Job shook his head. “What good is your nonsense to me now. I know as much as you do. God is doing as He pleases. He doesn’t… Continue reading Who Are You?
And the Beat Goes On
The summer heat definitely hit Texas and surrounding states this past week…especially inside of a semi trailer while wrestling windows. The regular driver who took vacation time for two weeks couldn’t have chosen a better period, period. On Monday I had two stops in Dallas where I was in the trailer for well over an… Continue reading And the Beat Goes On
This Year is Half Done Already
Six months of 2018 are behind us now. Has this year been all you hoped it would be so far? Not for me. Oh, there were signs things would be changing. A few hopeful sparks rose from the fire only to sputter out quickly. A partial inheritance helped for a couple of months. Now I’m… Continue reading This Year is Half Done Already
How Old Would You Be?
Satchel Paige didn’t have an official birth certificate so there was a guess made about how old he was when he entered the Negro League of Professional Baseball. He pitched until he was “59” years old. Some wondered how he was able to keep going at such a high level for so long. He said,… Continue reading How Old Would You Be?
I’m Going Dark This Week
I love so many of today’s modern conveniences. Cruise control on vehicles is a great way to rest while driving. Cameras on a phone that fits in my pocket are fabulous. There were so many times in my life I wish I had a camera so I could capture a moment but couldn’t. Now I… Continue reading I’m Going Dark This Week
I’m Going to Prison…YIKES!
As a Christian you do your best to stay out of trouble. But you also want to do all you can to please God. Sometimes doing the right thing can land you in jail for the right reasons. I guess this all started over a year ago when Marcia said she might want to buy… Continue reading I’m Going to Prison…YIKES!
A Mid-month Newsletter-ish Post
For the record I just completed two consecutive uneventful weeks. No, boredom hasn’t set in yet. I think it may occur about August 15th after the way the first month and a half were to me. Driving is taking most of my time these days. I have two companies fighting over who I’ll be driving… Continue reading A Mid-month Newsletter-ish Post
Until Shiloh Comes–a review
Wars are fought for different reasons. Some are power struggles. Others are for rescue or to make a change. Wars are fueled by one thing…hatred. The passion it takes to get a person to be willing to lay his or her life down is serious. Somebody, or something, must be stopped at all cost. The… Continue reading Until Shiloh Comes–a review