I sure hope you are DRESSED FOR SUCCESS

I spent the first four days last week unemployed. It’s not that I didn’t have an employer, I actually have two of them at present. It’s just that neither of them had any work for me Monday through Thursday. With the end of the month approaching I’m watching my bank accounts extremely closely. One surprise… Continue reading I sure hope you are DRESSED FOR SUCCESS

My experience at #ACFW2015

Well, it’s over and I lived to tell about it. Anybody whose been to a big conference knows what I’m talking about. They told us 465 people paid to be at this year’s convention for writers who center God and Jesus in their reason for writing. The American Christian Fiction Writers annual conference was held… Continue reading My experience at #ACFW2015

A red-neck’s list of what NOT to bring to the ACFW conference in St Louis

Bubba, I know you’re all fired up about going to the big city of St. Louis for that writer’s conference put out by my friends at the American Christian Fiction Writers. I feel the need to make a few suggestions to you that should make your visit more enjoyable for everybody, including yourself. First off… Continue reading A red-neck’s list of what NOT to bring to the ACFW conference in St Louis