David waited for his military leaders to assemble before his throne. He looked at each one as silence filled the air. “Men, we have enlarged our nation’s borders to an unprecedented place. You have conducted yourselves well. Now that we’ve subdued our enemies I want to take this opportunity to conduct a census of our… Continue reading A PRIDEFUL DECISION
Category: Senior Citizens
Samuel looked out over the valley leading up to Ramah. The lone figure approaching caught his attention. It wasn’t until the young man was very near that a recognition occurred. “David?” David pushed his wet hair back with his left hand. “Samuel, Sir, I have nowhere else to turn. The LORD’s anointed is trying to… Continue reading MENTOR ME
“How long will you mourn for Saul, the rejected king? Fill your horn with oil and go to Jesse in Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons as Saul’s replacement.” Samuel was usually surprised when he heard God’s voice. Never was he so glad to receive a message as he was now. But…”how can… Continue reading SEEING AS GOD SEES
Samuel walked up to King Saul without fanfare. “The LORD had me anoint you as Israel’s king. He has a mission for you to carry out for Him. He has decided to punish Amalek for the time they fought against His people as they fled Egypt. You are to completely destroy ALL of the people… Continue reading A FINAL REJECTION
Samuel looked up at Saul. Israel’s first king was watching the crowd in front of them. Samuel wasn’t sure if it was Saul’s natural stature, or if the man was standing confidently erect. That knot in the pit of Samuel’s stomach just would not go away. Samuel turned toward the crowd and raised his hands.… Continue reading A STERN WARNING