Change is Inevitable

People are strange animals. We like routine more than anything. Shake up our comfort zone and we aren’t sure what to do. Take this virus scare we’re facing now. Folks are panicking over toilet paper. I’m like, Really? Okay. Let me plead ignorance about what’s going on. I drive trucks for a living…18-wheelers. I don’t… Continue reading Change is Inevitable

The Vacation that Won’t End

I haven’t had a true vacation in over a decade. To say my life has been challenging would be an understatement. Well, I’m trying to complete said overdue vacation, but it doesn’t seem to want to end. Apparently my life is afraid it will be another decade before I take similar time away from the… Continue reading The Vacation that Won’t End

You Think I’d Learn

Thunderstorms are interesting events. They can be enthralling, dangerous and frightening at the same time. After driving through a massive one about a week ago you think I’d know better than to flirt with disaster again, but I did…only without the safety of setting on rubber tires to insulate me from electrical execution. One of… Continue reading You Think I’d Learn

I Just Knew It

Last week was a bit of a roller coaster ride for this truck driver turned writer. My writer side received the high point award while I delivered mattresses in Longview, Texas on Wednesday. Discount Mattress quickly became one of my favorite stops before this past week. It’s a family run operation…a mother-in-law daughter-in-law arrangement mostly.… Continue reading I Just Knew It