Rejected Love a devotional

Here’s a devotional I wrote for another blog called God is Love. I’m a monthly contributor (2nd Monday each month). For February I wrote one called Rejected Love. Click the link to read my thoughts about this time of year. I’ll see you later. Wade

Grant Me Favor

Nehemiah approached the group of dusty men. “How are things in Jerusalem, brothers?” Hanani placed a hand on Nehemiah’s shoulder. “The folks are back from exile but they’re having a hard time. The walls of the old city are broken down. The gates are burned. It’s a mess.” Nehemiah’s eyes filled with tears as the… Continue reading Grant Me Favor

Look At This

Hezekiah paced in his palace. “How much longer are we going to be stuck inside these city walls?” A knock on the door caught his attention. The door opened slowly. Eliakim stood in the doorway. “Sir, there’s a message from Sennacherib.” The king stared at him. “Is it from the Rabshakeh again?” “No, he sent… Continue reading Look At This

An Earnest Plea

Isaiah paused before he pushed the palace door open and looked up. “Why, LORD? He’s such a good king.” He walked in and was led to the king’s bedroom. Hezekiah’s face was pale. Sweat drenched his hair as he shivered. Isaiah swallowed. “Set your affairs in order. The LORD declares that you shall die from… Continue reading An Earnest Plea

Called to Fail

Where am I? Who is that sitting on a throne? His robe is incredible. It’s filling every part of the floor. Those beings over the throne…who are they? Why do they have wings…six wings on each one? They’re using two to fly with, but why are they covering their face and feet? The seraphim spoke… Continue reading Called to Fail

Short-term 2nd Chance Successes

Jonah awoke with a sharp pain on his leg. He reached down and groped his right shin. He pealed off what must have been a section of octopus tentacle. “Lord, how much longer must I suffer like this? I’m sorry for running. I know it was foolish of me. Nobody can win against You. Please… Continue reading Short-term 2nd Chance Successes

Man Overboard

“Tarshish? Yeah, we’re going to Tarshish. What you need us to take there for ya?” “Just me.” Jonah watched the crew loading crates below deck. The captain looked at Jonah’s small pack. “You sure do travel light. You have family in Tarshish?” Jonah shook his head. “No. Just been hankering to visit that fine city.… Continue reading Man Overboard