Until Shiloh Comes–a review

Wars are fought for different reasons. Some are power struggles. Others are for rescue or to make a change. Wars are fueled by one thing…hatred. The passion it takes to get a person to be willing to lay his or her life down is serious. Somebody, or something, must be stopped at all cost. The… Continue reading Until Shiloh Comes–a review

WAITING ON GOD book review and launch

When I learned my friend, Wayne Stiles, was writing a book about the life of Joseph I was thrilled. At the time I was going through Joseph’s life for devotional topics for my blog. It’s always fun to see how another writer sees the same portion of scripture. Wayne did not disappoint me. I knew… Continue reading WAITING ON GOD book review and launch

AN EYE FOR GLORY book review

It must never be said that the field of battle falls silent once the fighting stops, for when the guns cease firing and the last echoes die, the wailing cries of the thousands of wounded arise in a pitiable chorus of woe. Karl Bacon, An Eye For Glory, page 124 I just experienced the most… Continue reading AN EYE FOR GLORY book review