I thought about calling this post “Slippery Footing.” I think the title I chose fits better.
I’ve had trouble standing lately. Not literally, just figuratively.
About the time I think I know what to expect in my life the unexpected occurs.
When the unexpected happens so many times a fella realizes it’s actually normal for him. At least I do now.
Y’all know about my unexpected unemployment in early October. If you didn’t, you do now. We’re far enough along into November that I can safely say I lived to tell about that event.
Now I have companies calling me while I’m driving for someone else. It never rains but it pours.
The Apainter Paul has work coming in, too. So I’m helping him so he can help me, too.
I hope that’s not too many too’s for y’all. If it is then that’s too bad.
One of the first driving assignments, after my mini-unemployment, I accepted was for a company I hadn’t driven for before. It began as a five day gig. Then it became a one day deal. Then a two day thing before it ended up at three days. I felt like I was stuck in an auction on that one.
“Do I hear five days? No, then can I get one day…how about two. I have two can I get three days? Sold at three days.”
The next week Paul found a lady who had neglected the shrubbery around her houses for too many years. He told me I could work there as long as I wanted to or until it was caught up. I just finished clipping the shrubs around the front house when she came out to pay me for the day. She didn’t want to leave the two dogs alone while she was gone to work. She feared they’d tear the inside of the house up in their panic.
That was rug number two that got yanked out from under me. Three if you count the unemployment spell, which I won’t so don’t.
There was that couple excited about buying the Webster family farm in October. They were scheduled to sign papers November 1. It’s still the Webster family farm the last I heard. That influx of cash sure would have been a welcomed sight to my budget, but it isn’t so it ain’t.
Yet another rug gone.
Paul had a couple of jobs come in almost at once so he asked me to commit to him for the remainder of last week. I already committed to a company for Monday and Tuesday. Then company A called and asked if I could drive to Houston for them on Tuesday. I felt like a ping pong ball in a fierce competition.
I made great progress on the house Paul left me with by the end of Friday. I called The Apainter and asked if I could borrow his taller step ladder and extension pole to finish up on Saturday. He was impressed and said. “Sure thing.”
So I drove by his place, got his stuff and drove home stopping for gas and some groceries now that the previous week’s check was posted into my account. As I was on the final leg of my drive home Paul called…gulp.
“I got to thinking about how work is looking for next week. I’ll be done with the house I’m working on Monday. If you finish your house tomorrow I won’t have anything to do the rest of the week. Can you stop by after church tomorrow and return my ladder so I have it to finish that house you were working on?”
I’ve heard people say they regret things they’ve said occasionally that they wish they hadn’t let slip out of their mouths.
After a few seconds Paul had one question…”Wade, are you still there?”
“Yeah. I’m here. Sure, I can swing by after church tomorrow.”
He didn’t want to know the names I had for him that I left silent in my brain. Since he’s done so many huge favors for me I was grateful prudence won that round.
After I punched the “end call” button on my phone I sent up a prayer complaint.
“You know, God, that first rug being pulled out from under me was bad enough. This has gotten old in hurry. When is this going to stop? Where can I stand that’s safe from these falls?”
He knew I knew the answer to that question before I let it slip out of my noggin.
That rock is Jesus. Ain’t nobody nor nuthin’ going to let me slip off that foundation.
I got a call Saturday afternoon for a possible assignment driving to Shreveport that evening. I took it to shore up my budget constraints.
These unexpected things to me aren’t any big surprise to God. He’s got this all worked out for His glory.
All I have to do is keep standing then putting one foot in front of the other.
I’m in His will even when I fall.
I just have to get back up…and so do you my friend.
Keep smiling. Wade