Change is Inevitable

People are strange animals. We like routine more than anything. Shake up our comfort zone and we aren’t sure what to do.

Take this virus scare we’re facing now. Folks are panicking over toilet paper.

I’m like, Really?

Okay. Let me plead ignorance about what’s going on. I drive trucks for a living…18-wheelers. I don’t usually turn the radio on very often.

The lack of news has been a good thing from what little bits I do hear.

As I drove in northwest Arkansas last week I noticed several flags at half staff. When I see that I wonder who died. I checked the news and didn’t see any famous anybody whose life ended.

I guess the flags were down because the toilet paper aisles are empty.

So then I wonder if diarrhea is a major symptom of this corona virus thing I’ve been hearing something about.

Somebody on Facebook suggested we call this the Kung Flu and just get on with life. He might have a valid point. More folks are dying of the regular flu lately than this new strain that’s making folks distraught.

How about we approach this entire situation with a bit more commonsense than people are used to. Wash your hands and don’t sneeze on each other. Please.

The basic Texas remedy is to wash your hands like you just sliced a jalapeno for your nachos and you have to take your contacts out.

That’s about 20 seconds of serious scrubbing y’all.

I’ve lived through my share of scares during my life. Remember Y2K?Computers were going to shut down because they wouldn’t be able to handle the date change at the turn of the century.

For real?

So what are the government gurus telling everybody to do? Stay home until this passes.

Oh boy…I lived in Michigan long enough to know what’s going to happen when folks are locked up at home for extended periods of time after a simple blizzard blows through.

Nine months later the maternity wards are super busy. Someone on Facebook suggests these kids will be called the Coronials.

It’s coming. Count on it.

I think that’s the biggest blessing that will come from all this chaos. No, not the tykes, the closeness by people we’re supposed to be close to.

We’ll finally have time to talk and get to know each other again. The chaos that’s been our normal life will get an overdue vacation while we go nowhere.

Hopefully some new priorities will be established before the old normal kicks back into high gear.

I read where this COVID-19 title stands for Christ Overcomes Viruses and Infectious Diseases-Joshua 1:9. I like that.

I just hope the toilet paper folks start making diapers as soon as they get stores stocked back up on their very basic essential.

It’ll be a comfort knowing I can safely shakes someone’s hand since they’re using toilet paper on a regular basis again.

I’ll see you later. Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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