They say a writer has to develop tough skin to make it as an author. I feel like a rock right about now.
In a matter of a few hours I just had a couple of doors close that I had high hopes for when I left for church on Sunday morning.
Door number one is one I’ve been waiting to see if it would open for the past six months. A publisher showed quite a bit of interest in publishing my mouse book last summer.
I had to edit it down almost ten thousand words to fit it into their parameters for a middle grade book. I did that. The door stayed open.
Then they wanted me to improve my social media numbers and check back with them in six months. We’re at the six month mark so I got in touch with the agent the publisher suggested I use at this point.
I told her how much I increased my Facebook followers and page likes. She was not impressed that I didn’t do any school visits in this time. She passed on representing me.
So I got in touch with the publisher and told her how much I increased my Facebook followers and page likes. She said I could go back to that agent and tell her they’re interested in publishing my book.
It was Saturday that I sent an email to this agent and informed her of the publisher’s decision. When I left for church I felt good about where things stood.
Between services I checked my emails on my phone. I received one from the agent…on Sunday morning. I didn’t expect one before Monday morning. This is an agent for Christian writers. Not that I’m judging.
The email said this agent told the publisher about how I failed her tests of what was expected of me and that the publisher is now not interested in my manuscript. Ouch!
I now have a pretty good idea who I’m never going to have represent me to publishers in the future.
The second slamming door came from more of a pipe dream, perhaps. It revolves around a song I wrote. No pun intended about revolving doors.
I wrote what I consider to be a good father/daughter song. It requires a woman to sing it with me. One found me a few years ago.
She’s a missionary kid who moved from east Texas to Nashville to pursue a singing career. She has a fabulous deep voice that would compliment mine greatly for this song.
She reached out to me on LinkedIn, as I recall, a few years ago. She was building her following and happened upon my name, I guess.
I’ve been sending her emails, Facebook messages and anyway else I could find to tell her about my duet.
She recorded an Instagram post about how she was bored Saturday and offered to write a song for somebody going through a tough time right now.
I emailed her Saturday with no response. So Sunday afternoon I sent her a message on Instagram. It’s apparently her favorite social media hangout because she finally replied to me.
Her response was a “thanks, but no thanks.”
I feel like Maxwell Smart at the beginning of every episode with a door slamming in my face constantly.
So, here I sit with “wait” as my answer from God to my prayers.
I’m down, but not out.
Proverbs 3:5 keeps popping up in my life lately. “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your understanding;”
I’m glad that thought doesn’t end there. Verse six continues, “in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
It sure doesn’t appear that my path is straight…unless it’s a long hallway with these doors on its sides.
My books and songs will go out to the world in God’s time. There may be some folks in my wake shaking their heads knowing they could have been a part of my journey being used by God to tell of His Son.
Until that time I’ll keep on being the best steward of these resources that God has entrusted me with…even if that means I fall short of other peoples’ expectations of me.
Keep me in your prayers.
I’ll see you later. Wade