And the Beat Goes On

The summer heat definitely hit Texas and surrounding states this past week…especially inside of a semi trailer while wrestling windows. The regular driver who took vacation time for two weeks couldn’t have chosen a better period, period. On Monday I had two stops in Dallas where I was in the trailer for well over an… Continue reading And the Beat Goes On

Sometimes Clarity is Better Than Progress

There are three basic answers to prayer…so they say…Yes, no and wait. Since God isn’t One to be hemmed in by our parameters He likes to sneak in an exception once in a while. I think I received one this week…not this one. I suppose that could be interpreted as a no, but not really.… Continue reading Sometimes Clarity is Better Than Progress

Look At This

Hezekiah paced in his palace. “How much longer are we going to be stuck inside these city walls?” A knock on the door caught his attention. The door opened slowly. Eliakim stood in the doorway. “Sir, there’s a message from Sennacherib.” The king stared at him. “Is it from the Rabshakeh again?” “No, he sent… Continue reading Look At This

This Year is Half Done Already

Six months of 2018 are behind us now. Has this year been all you hoped it would be so far? Not for me. Oh, there were signs things would be changing. A few hopeful sparks rose from the fire only to sputter out quickly. A partial inheritance helped for a couple of months. Now I’m… Continue reading This Year is Half Done Already