A May 1st-ish Newsletter

Here’s the latest goings on in the life of Wade Webster, future best selling author extraordinaire.

Last Sunday a friend from church asked how different things were going in my life. At that time things were their usual stuck in a rut going nowhere.

If I could have talked to him this Sunday I would have a different answer for many of his queries.

When I returned from my week-long job assignment on Friday I had a notice in my mailbox saying I had a certified letter needing my signature. I went to the post office first thing Saturday morning to pick up an inheritance check.

I can’t retire on this one but it will give me some financial breathing room. That’s definitely a good thing.

On Wednesday evening I received a text from my illustrious illustrator Dyann. She’s getting her feet back under her so she let me know about it.

I can’t say I’m surprised that these two events occurred so close together. There’s enough money here that I can step away from driving long enough to concentrate on building the storybook app. That’s another good thing.

As far as that romance question goes…let’s just say God has me in a holding pattern with no sign I can land any time soon.

I have a couple of things related to my prison ministry assignment that I have to concentrate on now.

I’ve been assigned one of the talks. I just now worked on it. I have to give it to the team for feedback this coming Saturday. Please pray I say the necessary words to get the points across I need to to make this weekend event a success.

I also get the privilege of writing all forty two inmates a letter. That might not sound like a big deal to you, but these letters will be sealed when they receive them. Now that’s an extremely big deal to a prisoner.

I haven’t begun to compose any of them yet. I have some ideas in mind. Now I just need to make the time to let them go through my fingertips to help these guys know God loves them enough to die for them. Deals don’t get any bigger than that one.

The weekend in question is May 17-20.

On the business front I need to work on updating my website. I have a new hosting company I’m switching to. Once I get everything up and running I can host other company’s websites there, too.

I think I’ve blown at least two opportunities to do exactly that because my own website is a disaster. I wouldn’t want me making a website for me by what I see neither. Yuck!

Does anybody know where I can find a few extra hours for each day? I think that would help.

Pray for guidance to know what I must work on when the opportunities arise.

Pray for wisdom to know what to write and say for the prison ministry.

Pray for strength to continue to drive well for God’s glory. I often have more companies asking for me than I can possibly drive for each week.

That’s all I can think of to report about my little ole life at the present time.

You may now return to your own rut of a life.

I’ll see you later.   Wade

By wadewebster

I'm a truck driver turned writer. My writing drives people to Jesus. I love sunsets/sunrises, dark chocolate, coffee, cats and dogs (as long as their owners pick up after them) and solitude. My relationship with God through Jesus Christ is most important to me, not a religion. This writing gig is all God's idea. I only wish to bring more attention to Jesus with it.

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