I have an assignment that I cared to accept. It’s deciding the winners of a scholarship given out by my church. One scholarship goes to a senior guy. Another goes to a senior gal.
There were only four guys who filled out an application this year. Twice as many as last year.
Ten young women applied…that’s a lot of estrogen enriched scholarship requests.
I just finished going through all of the applications. I used a five star rating system to whittle them down.
The fellas fell into place fairly quickly: 1 five star, 1 four star and 2 three stars.
The ladies are of a higher caliber according to my estimations: 4 five stars, 2 four and a half stars, 2 four stars and 2 three stars.
I think I’m glad I don’t have to choose alone. There’s a committee involved with this mess.
On the other hand there’s a committee involved with this mess.
Fortunately they’re going to feed us before we haggle, arm wrestle, coin toss, cast lots and/or whatever else we come up with to make our final decisions.
I forgot to mention this isn’t just any scholarship. It’s the Howard Hendrick’s Scholarship, the beloved “Prof” at Dallas Theological Seminary. No pressure here.
The thing that set last year’s female winner apart was the fact she started a Bible study in her home for her schoolmates.
This year we have another Bible study started; someone who planned, organized and led a mission trip to Honduras that included a VBS that week; and a candidate who began a CRU organization in her high school.
Talk about a “Can You Top This” competition…WOW!
I didn’t even know high schoolers knew how to spell Honduras let alone find it on a map.
When I think back to my high school experience I think I would have achieved one star on my own scale.
If you read this during the day Monday pray for us. God knows who is going to get this money, but He’s leaving it up to fallible humans to decide this without His foreknowledge. This just isn’t fair.
I’d like to call in sick for this assignment. Unfortunately I’m taking the day off work just to be able to go to this prestigious event. I must have considered this extremely important to make that sacrifice. I guess I better go to it.
If I ever find out who nominated me for this committee I think I’m gonna arm wrestle them into the ground…if I have enough strength after this evening.
Fortunately we’re committed, born-again, grace-based, Spirit-filled adults on the committee…and I can’t say I’m great friends with any of them, so this shouldn’t hurt too much. I hope.
So, how do you choose when there’s more than one right answer?
Well…I’m waiting for your answer because I don’t have a good one. If I did I wouldn’t have wasted my time writing this blog post.
Okay, I’ll pray about it. That’s always a great place to start…so why do so many of us use that as a last resort?
Listening to wise counsel is another good suggestion. I hope that’s why there’s this committee thingy.
Banging my head against the wall…I can’t say I’m a big fan of that one. It hasn’t really helped in the past very well.
Sleep on it. I like that one better, especially since it’s Sunday evening as I’m writing this and I’m pooped.
I need the rest before the big wrestling match set before me that I cared to accept.
Keep smiling. Wade