Samuel laid back in bed. The torch was still burning in the tabernacle. That was his assignment each night…keep God’s light burning. “Samuel.” He sat up and ran to Eli’s chamber. “What is it?” Eli rolled over to face the youngster. “What do you want, Samuel?” “You called for me. I want to know what… Continue reading FIRST ASSIGNMENT
Month: March 2017
I just prayed for 150 men…one book at a time
I first met Marcia on a Sunday morning. She approached me before our adult fellowship time and introduced herself. She said she noticed me a week or two before that sitting by myself. She said I looked defeated. This was a few years ago…after my wife left me and before I lost my secure job… Continue reading I just prayed for 150 men…one book at a time
Is Monday the 13th Really Unlucky?
Happy unlucky Monday the thirteenth Y’all. I have no clue how Friday the 13th stole all the thunder from Monday the 13th, but that’s what we have to live with in this fallen world I suppose. What makes this Monday the 13th unlucky to the uber degree is the fact that it’s the second month… Continue reading Is Monday the 13th Really Unlucky?
Just Me and Jesus
God has an annoying way of giving me writing prompts sometimes. Two o’clock in the morning seems to be one of His favorite times to do such shenanigans. Just Me and Jesus was set to a tune as I awoke in the wee hours one morning. The chorus played in my head while I drove… Continue reading Just Me and Jesus