Ahhh…the smell of pollen in the air. Spring has arrived early in North Texas this year. El Nino has been kind to us while other folks are still digging snow, with angst and vulgar vocabulary.
Our popcorn trees have popped. The redbud trees are purple again. The Bluebonnets shall be blue very soon.

The assault on my sinuses is in full swing, or shall I say “da assaut on by siduses id in pull swig?”
I don’t know if pollen was an original part of the curse in the Garden of Eden, but it sure has made it’s presence known as such in this generation.
All I know for sure is gagging on post nasal drip isn’t very conducive to a good night’s sleep. After having to change my sleep pattern for work last week I can use all the sleep I can get right now. I think I’m ready for fall already.
Before long my A/C will be running fulltime and my electric bill will push my budget past its limit. Yeah, I’m ready for fall.
Don’t you wish you could skip certain things in your life?
I have a few things I’d rather do without in mine about now.
Fortunately God doesn’t give us that option in this life. It’s fortunate because each difficulty has a purpose. They’re all working to make us like Jesus Christ.
It ain’t easy being transformed from a sin-filled person to the perfect Son of God. In fact it’s impossible in our own strength.
It won’t happen in this life, but it needs to be our goal none the less.
I know I don’t want to remain this selfish egotist I am right now. Okay, maybe a part of me wants to stay here…a very small part, not my nose.
I’m going to go back to sucking on lozenges, popping decongestants and struggling for each breath now…all for the glory of God.
Keep smiling…and breathing. Wade