Here it is…the day you’ve waited four years for. February 29th–that extra day that keeps us up to date with the orbit of the earth around the sun. That means you have an extra day to get caught up on those items you’ve been putting off, like going to the gym (remember that resolution?). I… Continue reading Happy Leap Day Y’all!
Month: February 2016
Abraham stared at the heat waves rising from the plains. His head nodded. “A nap would be nice, but the tent’s too hot.” A bead of sweat rolled down his side. He rubbed his arm across the area to stop the tickle. He swatted at a fly buzzing his right ear. That’s when he noticed… Continue reading A PROMISE AND A DENIAL
Happy 2/22 Day Y’all!
So, what’s so special about three twos on the same date? Some of you want to know. I don’t know either. I just noticed it and decided to write a blog post about it. That’s all. Last month we celebrated 1/11 day, so I thought 2/22 day needed some recognition, too. No, I just checked,… Continue reading Happy 2/22 Day Y’all!
Abram strolled around one of his flocks of sheep in the cool of the morning. He tried to remember the size of his herds when he first entered Canaan. It felt like a lifetime ago. In many ways it was. Ishmael’s birth changed everything by giving a legitimate heir to hand this all off to.… Continue reading A REQUEST FOLLOWED BY ACTION
Happy Day to you!!
I just checked my calendars and discovered that today is Presidents’ Day in the United States. So, to all of you presidents reading this blog…Happy Presidents’ Day to you. In Canada it’s Flag Day. So, Happy Flag Day to any Canadian flags reading this blog. It’s the day after Valentine’s Day. So, for any valentines… Continue reading Happy Day to you!!
“What have I done to deserve any of this? First, you take me from my home. Then you drag me to a foreign land. Now you force your husband on me. Now that I’m carrying his child you treat me even worse than before. I can’t take much more of this.” Hagar stared into Sarai’s… Continue reading THE LOST ARE FOUND
Happy New Year Y’all…um Y’all reading this in China that is.
Don’t you just love how small the world has become with the internet? I know I do. Who knew there were two new years in the world? Now you do. The big question becomes: How are you going to take advantage of it? For those of you who didn’t make any resolutions now you still… Continue reading Happy New Year Y’all…um Y’all reading this in China that is.
A Covenant From God
A few days after Abram won the battle to get his nephew Lot back home he dozed in his tent. God appeared to him in a dream. “Don’t be afraid, Abram. I will protect and reward you.” Abram’s deepest emotion surfaced in his dream. “Lord, I’m still without a direct heir. A boy born to… Continue reading A Covenant From God
A blog post/newsletter from a man with not enough hours in my day
I know I’m not the only person who needs more hours in my day in order to get everything done, so I’ll try to keep this short so you can find a few extra minutes in yours. Since this is February 1st I’m supposed to put out a newsletter for just my faithful subscribers. But,… Continue reading A blog post/newsletter from a man with not enough hours in my day