I spent the first four days last week unemployed. It’s not that I didn’t have an employer, I actually have two of them at present. It’s just that neither of them had any work for me Monday through Thursday. With the end of the month approaching I’m watching my bank accounts extremely closely. One surprise… Continue reading I sure hope you are DRESSED FOR SUCCESS
Month: September 2015
“Do you think they’ll make their move today?” Matthew glanced at Thomas. Thomas shrugged. “Don’t know. I doubt it, but who knows?” Jesus led His disciples from Bethany to Jerusalem. Their shadows grew shorter with each step. Jesus stepped off the road and headed to a fig tree. “I hope He finds enough for all… Continue reading NO FRUIT
My experience at #ACFW2015
Well, it’s over and I lived to tell about it. Anybody whose been to a big conference knows what I’m talking about. They told us 465 people paid to be at this year’s convention for writers who center God and Jesus in their reason for writing. The American Christian Fiction Writers annual conference was held… Continue reading My experience at #ACFW2015
“Here He comes.” Thadeus nudged the fellow scribe next to him when he saw Jesus enter the gate of Jerusalem. They and the priests with them studied His every move. They followed Jesus as He led His followers to the temple. They all froze when Jesus stopped in the outer area reserved for Gentiles. “What’s… Continue reading RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION
Tex’s 10 Commands fer writer folks
Boy howdy, I’s so escited. My writer friends fixin’ ta come on back to Dallas and sit a few days. Tickles me a pretty color just thinkin’ bout it. Now, these folks are kinda speshal to me. They like to read some a what I write. So I’m fixin to give somethin’ to read up… Continue reading Tex’s 10 Commands fer writer folks
“Why in the world did you bring that to Jerusalem today? You can’t sacrifice it. The streets are going to be too crowded as it is. The last thing anybody needs is a donkey to stumble over.” Simon tied the young donkey to a post. “I thought maybe somebody might need help in carrying stuff… Continue reading THE COLT
Why are some miracles easier to believe than others?
Miracles are miracles because they don’t happen every day. But, I’ve found certain miracles are more believable depending on where a person lives. Watch my video to see a New Testament example and its Old Testament counterpart. I need to thank my new friends at Dreamstime.com for help with the pictures you’ll see. Keep smiling.… Continue reading Why are some miracles easier to believe than others?
“He’s coming. He’s coming. I need to get closer to see Him.” Zacchaeus tried to push between people on the outskirts of the crowd. An elbow came down on his forehead, knocking him to the ground. “Back off, buzzard. Jesus isn’t here for you of all people.” Zacchaeus stood up and brushed himself off. The… Continue reading DINNER INVITATION