Pharaoh leaned forward in his throne. “In my dream I was standing by the Nile. All of a sudden seven cows walked out of the river. They each looked like they were carrying twins they were so fat. They were grazing in a lush meadow. Then, seven of the scrawniest cows I’d ever seen walked… Continue reading DIVINE DREAMS
Month: January 2015
Stop this blogging train. I need to get off!
Have you ever felt the need to take stock in your life because the bottom has totally fallen out? I’m not talking about a bad day here or there. I mean something much worse than a hang-nail and a paper-cut on the same finger. I’ve dealt with those days with a yawn. No, my life… Continue reading Stop this blogging train. I need to get off!
Sunday was just one of those days for me
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 Sunday was just one of those days for me. It actually started last week and came to a head on Sunday. The good news is that I’m back to work. The bad news I… Continue reading Sunday was just one of those days for me
The water dumped on Joseph’s head cooled the burning sensation from the shave. As the last of the water rinsed the soap off he felt renewed–like he was no longer a prisoner. The clean robe they placed on him was almost as colorful as Abba’s robe had been. The man in charge clapped his hands… Continue reading BEFORE THE KING
Are you as tired of Christians who live by a double standard as I am?
Here’s my monthly humor video. This time I got as much mileage out of the grey beard that grew in this fall as I possibly could. Now I have a new appearance (that’s actually my old appearance) for the new year with its new attitude and hope fully a much better outcome over last year.… Continue reading Are you as tired of Christians who live by a double standard as I am?
When Joseph finished his morning rounds on the next date of Pharaoh’s birthday his mind still relived the dreams he interpreted. He slumped into his desk chair. “Joseph, you’re being summoned.” The jail keeper’s voice held its usual demanding tone. Joseph walked to the front office. “Don’t tell me those two are drunk already.” His mouth… Continue reading ROYAL PREPARATIONS