AN EYE FOR GLORY book review

It must never be said that the field of battle falls silent once the fighting stops, for when the guns cease firing and the last echoes die, the wailing cries of the thousands of wounded arise in a pitiable chorus of woe. Karl Bacon, An Eye For Glory, page 124 I just experienced the most… Continue reading AN EYE FOR GLORY book review

My reflections on the 2014 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference

I made it all the way to and from North Carolina–letting that big sigh out now. Clifford, my 14-year-old van, got me there again. He did complain this time though. Started about 50 miles short of the Ridgecrest Conference Center and got progressively louder as we came back to Plano, Texas. We’re both in the… Continue reading My reflections on the 2014 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference