It must never be said that the field of battle falls silent once the fighting stops, for when the guns cease firing and the last echoes die, the wailing cries of the thousands of wounded arise in a pitiable chorus of woe. Karl Bacon, An Eye For Glory, page 124 I just experienced the most… Continue reading AN EYE FOR GLORY book review
Month: May 2014
My reflections on the 2014 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference
I made it all the way to and from North Carolina–letting that big sigh out now. Clifford, my 14-year-old van, got me there again. He did complain this time though. Started about 50 miles short of the Ridgecrest Conference Center and got progressively louder as we came back to Plano, Texas. We’re both in the… Continue reading My reflections on the 2014 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference
“How long will you mourn for Saul, the rejected king? Fill your horn with oil and go to Jesse in Bethlehem. I have chosen one of his sons as Saul’s replacement.” Samuel was usually surprised when he heard God’s voice. Never was he so glad to receive a message as he was now. But…”how can… Continue reading SEEING AS GOD SEES
My Advice to Graduates
Since we’re in the graduation time of year I think I’ll take a stab at writing a commencement speech for fun. So get as comfortable on that bleacher seat as you possibly can, shield your eyes from the sun and try not to sweat to the point of being too odorous to those around you… Continue reading My Advice to Graduates
Samuel walked up to King Saul without fanfare. “The LORD had me anoint you as Israel’s king. He has a mission for you to carry out for Him. He has decided to punish Amalek for the time they fought against His people as they fled Egypt. You are to completely destroy ALL of the people… Continue reading A FINAL REJECTION
Why am I putting myself through this?
Last Monday I went to my dentist. Okay, he’s not just “my” dentist, a lot of people use his services to help them with their teeth. That’s a good thing since I’ve been blessed with quite healthy teeth. Any dentist would go out of business if I was their only victim, I mean, patient. He’s… Continue reading Why am I putting myself through this?
Samuel watched the man running toward him. The young man wasn’t familiar, but Samuel knew from the tunic he wore that King Saul had dispatched him. The young man bent over in front of Samuel. “King Saul has assembled three thousand men at Gilgal. Jonathan attacked them with one thousand men at Geba. I think… Continue reading DEALING WITH IMPATIENCE
Murray Did You Know?
In my quest to strike something off my bucket list I taught myself to play a musical instrument. The result astounded me. Not only did I master a simple child’s toy, I also recorded an original song in the process. Makes me wonder what will happen when I finally sky dive. Perhaps I’ll just keep… Continue reading Murray Did You Know?
Samuel looked up at Saul. Israel’s first king was watching the crowd in front of them. Samuel wasn’t sure if it was Saul’s natural stature, or if the man was standing confidently erect. That knot in the pit of Samuel’s stomach just would not go away. Samuel turned toward the crowd and raised his hands.… Continue reading A STERN WARNING